flutter_touch_interaction_controller 1.0.0 copy "flutter_touch_interaction_controller: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
flutter_touch_interaction_controller: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin to detect and handle touch events on the screen for Android device.

Flutter Touch Interaction Controller #

Build Status codecov pub package

  • Description: A Flutter plugin to detect and handle touch events on the screen for Android device.
  • Technology stack: Flutter plugin.
  • Status: CHANGELOG.

Main Features #

  1. One-touch event recognition and stream provision.
  2. Requesting accessibilityService permission.
  3. Verifying accessibilityService permission.
  4. One-touch execution.

Screenshot: Sample screenshot of the project,

Dependencies #

Describe any dependencies that must be installed for this software to work. This includes programming languages, databases or other storage mechanisms, build tools, frameworks, and so forth. If specific versions of other software are required, or known not to work, call that out.

Installation #

Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running. This should be frequently tested to ensure reliability. Alternatively, link to a separate INSTALL document.

Usage #

Check if the accessibility permission is enabled:

bool isAccessibilityPermissionEnabled = await FlutterTouchInteractionController.isAccessibilityPermissionEnabled;

Request accessibility permission:

await FlutterTouchInteractionController.requestAccessibilityPermission;

Listen to the touch events:

final accessStream = FlutterTouchInteractionController.accessStream.listen((event) {

Remove the listener when it is no longer needed:


Execute a touch event:

await FlutterTouchInteractionController.touch(Point(x: 350, y: 400));

How to test the software #

flutter test

Known issues #

Document any known significant shortcomings with the software.

Getting help #

Instruct users how to get help with this software; this might include links to an issue tracker, wiki, mailing list, etc.


If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.

Getting involved #

This section should detail why people should get involved and describe key areas you are currently focusing on; e.g., trying to get feedback on features, fixing certain bugs, building important pieces, etc.

General instructions on how to contribute should be stated with a link to CONTRIBUTING.

Open source licensing info #

  1. TERMS
  3. CFPB Source Code Policy

Credits and references #

  1. flutter_accessibility_service
  2. do-touch


verified publisherrabbitson87.dev

Weekly Downloads

A Flutter plugin to detect and handle touch events on the screen for Android device.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on flutter_touch_interaction_controller