flutter_tapresearch 1.4.0 copy "flutter_tapresearch: ^1.4.0" to clipboard
flutter_tapresearch: ^1.4.0 copied to clipboard


TapResearch Surveys for Android & iOS

flutter_tapresearch #

A plugin made in Flutter for TapResearch Surveys for Android & iOS

Installation #

  • Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:
  flutter_tapresearch: "<LATEST_VERSION>"

  • Install it - You can install packages from the command line:
flutter pub get

Issues #

Please open an issue on my flutter_plugins github regarding any of my dependencies.

Note: Few methods are not supported on iOS.

Example #

Please check the example repo for complete implementation.

Pull Requests #

Feel free to contribute and send me a pull request.

Android specific guidelines #

Add this to your proguard before you release your app.

  -keep class com.tapr.** { *; }
  -keep interface com.tapr.** { *; }