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Tapjoy plugin for both Android & iOS

Tapjoy Flutter Plugin Documentation #

The Tapjoy Flutter plugin allows you to integrate Tapjoy's advertising and monetization features into your Flutter applications. This documentation provides an overview of the plugin's usage and functionalities.

Table of Contents #

  1. Installation
  2. Getting Started
  3. Configuration
  4. User ID
  5. Placements
  6. Currency Balance
  7. iOS App Tracking Transparency

Installation #

To use the Tapjoy Flutter plugin in your Flutter project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project's pubspec.yaml file.

  2. Add flutter_tapjoy as a dependency:

      flutter_tapjoy: ^x.x.x
  3. Run the command flutter packages get to fetch the package.

Getting Started #

To start using the Tapjoy plugin in your Flutter application, follow these steps:

  1. Import the necessary packages in your Dart file:

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:flutter_tapjoy/flutter_tapjoy.dart';
  2. Initialize the Tapjoy plugin and connect to Tapjoy in the initState() method of your widget:

    void initState() {
        androidApiKey: "YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY",
        iOSApiKey: "YOUR_IOS_API_KEY",
        debug: true,

    Replace "YOUR_ANDROID_API_KEY" and "YOUR_IOS_API_KEY" with your actual Tapjoy API keys. Set the debug parameter to true for testing purposes.

  3. Set up the Tapjoy plugin for handling connection results, currency balance, and placements. This can be done in the initState() method as well:

    void initState() {
      // Set connection result handler
      // Set currency handlers
      // Set contentState handler for each placement
      // Add placements

    In the code above, _connectionResultHandler, _currencyHandler, and _placementHandler are placeholder methods that you need to define to handle the corresponding events.

  4. Implement the necessary UI and button callbacks to interact with Tapjoy functionalities. For example, you can use the ElevatedButton widget to request content, show placements, or perform other actions:

      onPressed: myPlacement.requestContent,
      child: const Text("Request Content for Placement"),

    Replace myPlacement with the actual placement you want to request content for.

Configuration #

The Tapjoy Flutter plugin provides configuration options to connect to Tapjoy and enable debugging. Use the TapJoyPlugin.shared.connect() method to configure the plugin:

  androidApiKey: String,
  iOSApiKey: String,
  debug: bool,
  • androidApiKey (required): Your Tapjoy Android API key.
  • iOSApiKey (required): Your Tapjoy iOS API key.
  • debug (optional): Set to true to enable debug mode. Default is false.

User ID #

You can set a user ID to identify the user associated with Tapjoy interactions. Use the TapJoyPlugin.shared.setUserID() method to set the user ID:

TapJoyPlugin.shared.setUserID({userID: String});
  • userID (required): The unique identifier for the user.

Placements #

Tapjoy placements represent locations in your application where you want to show content, such as rewarded ads or offers. The Tapjoy plugin allows you to add placements, request content, and handle placement events.

Adding Placements #

Use the TapJoyPlugin.shared.addPlacement() method to add a placement:

TapJoyPlugin.shared.addPlacement({placement: TJPlacement});
  • placement (required): An instance of TJPlacement representing the placement to add.

Requesting Content for a Placement #

To request content for a placement, call the requestContent() method on the corresponding TJPlacement instance:


Replace myPlacement with the actual placement you want to request content for.

Handling Placement Events #

You can handle events related to Tapjoy placements, such as content readiness, appearance, disappearance, and request success/failure. Set the handler for each placement using the setHandler() method:

placement.setHandler({handler: Function});
  • handler (required): The function that will be called when placement events occur. It should have the following signature:

    void handler(TJContentState contentState, String? name, String? error)
    • contentState (required): The current content state of the placement.
    • name (optional): The name of the placement.
    • error (optional): Any error message associated with the event.

Currency Balance #

The Tapjoy plugin provides methods to manage the user's currency balance, such as retrieving the balance, awarding currency, and spending currency. You can set handlers to receive currency-related events.

Retrieving Currency Balance #

To retrieve the user's currency balance, call the getCurrencyBalance() method:


The currency balance will be returned via the currency balance handler.

Handling Currency Balance Events #

To handle currency balance events, set the handler using the setGetCurrencyBalanceHandler() method:

TapJoyPlugin.shared.setGetCurrencyBalanceHandler({handler: Function});
  • handler (required): The function that will be called when currency balance events occur. It should have the following signature:

    void handler(String? currencyName, int? amount, String? error)
    • currencyName (optional): The name of the currency.
    • amount (optional): The amount of the currency.
    • error (optional): Any error message associated with the event.

Awarding Currency #

To award currency to the user, call the awardCurrency() method:

TapJoyPlugin.shared.awardCurrency({amount: int});
  • amount (required): The amount of currency to award.

The currency balance will be returned via the currency balance handler.

Spending Currency #

To spend currency from the user's balance, call the spendCurrency() method:


JoyPlugin.shared.spendCurrency({amount: int});
  • amount (required): The amount of currency to spend.

The currency balance will be returned via the currency balance handler.

iOS App Tracking Transparency #

If your Flutter application targets iOS and you want to access the App Tracking Transparency (ATT) authorization status, you can use the Tapjoy plugin to retrieve it.

Retrieving iOS App Tracking Transparency Authorization #

To retrieve the iOS App Tracking Transparency (ATT) authorization status, call the getIOSATTAuth() method:


The authorization status will be returned as a value of the IOSATTAuthResult enum.

Handling iOS ATT Authorization Result #

To handle the iOS ATT authorization result, set the handler using the setIOSATTAuthResultHandler() method:

TapJoyPlugin.shared.setIOSATTAuthResultHandler({handler: Function});
  • handler (required): The function that will be called when the iOS ATT authorization result is received. It should have the following signature:

    void handler(IOSATTAuthResult result)
    • result (required): The iOS ATT authorization result, represented by the IOSATTAuthResult enum.