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Flutter package with grid views: SimpleGridView for basic grids, FlatGridView for advanced options, and SectionGridView for sectioned grids and addtional styling.

Flutter Super Grid #

A customizable Flutter package for displaying grid views of sections.

Installation #

Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

  supergrid: ^1.0.0

Then, run:

$ flutter pub get

Features #

  • Customizable grid view with sections and various configuration options.
  • Support for item tap callbacks with section and item indices.
  • Option to invert the row and display the grid horizontally.
  • Section titles with customizable styling and alignment.

SimpleGridView #

Usage #

import 'package:flutter_super_grid/flutter_super_grid.dart';

  data: yourDataList,
  renderItem: (itemData) {
    // Customize how each item is rendered
    return YourCustomItemWidget(itemData);
  itemWidth: 150.0,
  itemHeight: 200.0,
  color: Colors.blue,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
  gridViewPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  verticalSpacing: 10.0,
  horizontalSpacing: 10.0,
  horizontal: false,
  invertedRow: false,
  onPressed: (index) {
    // Handle item tap


  • data: The data to display in the grid.
  • renderItem: The function that renders each item in the grid.
  • itemWidth: The width of each grid item.
  • itemHeight: The height of each grid item.
  • color: Background color of the grid container.
  • padding: Padding around the grid container.
  • gridViewPadding: Padding for the internal GridView.
  • verticalSpacing: Spacing between grid items vertically.
  • horizontalSpacing: Spacing between grid items horizontally.
  • horizontal: Whether the grid view is horizontal.
  • invertedRow: Whether to invert the row.
  • onPressed: Callback when an item is tapped.

FlatGridView #

Usage #

import 'package:flutter_super_grid/flutter_super_grid.dart';

  data: yourDataList,
  renderItem: (itemData) {
    // Customize how each item is rendered
    return YourCustomItemWidget(itemData);
  itemsPerRow: 3,
  itemSize: 150.0,
  color: Colors.blue,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
  gridViewPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  verticalSpacing: 10.0,
  horizontalSpacing: 10.0,
  horizontal: false,
  invertedRow: false,
  onPressed: (index) {
    // Handle item tap


  • data: The data to display in the grid.
  • renderItem: The function that renders each item in the grid.
  • itemsPerRow: Number of items per row or column.
  • itemSize: The size of items in the main axis.
  • color: Background color of the grid container.
  • padding: Padding around the grid container.
  • gridViewPadding: Padding for the internal GridView.
  • verticalSpacing: Spacing between grid items vertically.
  • horizontalSpacing: Spacing between grid items horizontally.
  • horizontal: Whether the grid view is horizontal.
  • invertedRow: Whether to invert the row.
  • onPressed: Callback when an item is tapped.

SectionGridView #

Usage #

import 'package:flutter_super_grid/flutter_super_grid.dart';

  sections: yourSectionsList,
  renderItem: (itemData) {
    // Customize how each item is rendered
    return YourCustomItemWidget(itemData);
  itemsPerRow: 3,
  itemSize: 150.0,
  color: Colors.blue,
  padding: EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
  gridViewPadding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  verticalSpacing: 10.0,
  horizontalSpacing: 10.0,
  invertedRow: false,
  onPressed: (sectionIndex, index) {
    // Handle item tap
  titleAlignment: TitleAlignment.start,
  titleBackgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
  titlePadding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
  titleTextStyle: TextStyle(
    fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
    fontSize: 16,
    color: Colors.black,


  • sections: The sections to display in the grid.
  • renderItem: The function that renders each item in the grid.
  • itemsPerRow: Number of items per row or column.
  • itemSize: The size of items in the main axis.
  • color: Background color of the grid container.
  • padding: Padding around the grid container.
  • gridViewPadding: Padding for the internal GridView.
  • verticalSpacing: Spacing between grid items vertically.
  • horizontalSpacing: Spacing between grid items horizontally.
  • invertedRow: Whether to invert the row.
  • onPressed: Callback when an item is tapped.
  • titleAlignment: Alignment of the title.
  • titleBackgroundColor: Background color of the title container.
  • titlePadding: Padding around the title.
  • titleTextStyle: Style of the title.

Example App #

Example Image

Documentation #

For detailed documentation, see API Documentation.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

Issues and Contributions #

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions and pull requests are welcome!

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Flutter package with grid views: SimpleGridView for basic grids, FlatGridView for advanced options, and SectionGridView for sectioned grids and addtional styling.

Repository (GitHub)
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