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Idiomatic State Lifecycles for Flutter. Part of the State, part of the Tree.

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Flutter Sub #

Provides managing State which depends on other State in the Widget tree as well as reusable state (similar to hooks) for Flutter.

A Sub is a compact version of a StatefulWidget that creates, updates and disposes a Value.

Motivation #

Because almost all State in Flutter is bound to the tree, it is reasonable to come accross the requirement of creating State which depends on other State.

As an example, a Widget which displays results from a database stream:

class Example extends StatefulWidget {
  const Example({
    required this.search,
    required this.database,

  final String search;
  final Database dabatase;

  _ExampleState createState() => _ExampleState();

class _ExampleState extends State<Example> {
  late Stream<String> results;

  void initState() {
    results = widget.database.search(widget.search);

  void didUpdateWidget(Example oldWidget) {
    if (widget.search != oldWidget.search
        || widget.database != oldWidget.database) {
      results = widget.database.search(widget.search);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamBuilder<String>(
      stream: results,
      builder: /* ... */,

If the search or database parameters change, the UI should reflect this, therefore we implement didUpdateWidget.

Writing methods like didUpdateWidget can be very tedious and repetetive.

The Sub Widgets simplify this process:

class Example extends StatelessWidget {
  const Example({
    required this.search,
    required this.database,

  final String search;
  final Database dabatase;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SubStream<String>(
      create: () => database.search(widget.search),
      keys: [database, search],
      builder: /* ... */,

The SubStream Widget takes care of creation the stream and automatically recreates it whenever one of our dependencies, listed in keys changes.

Principle #

Sub Widgets are basically just a shortcut to creating a StatefulWidget. A State is needed to hold the value and its keys.

To show the idea in pseudo-code:

var myValue;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {

  if (oldKeys != newKeys) {
    // keys have changed, the value is recreated.
    myValue = create();

  // the value is passed to the child widget.
  return build(myValue);

This code is simplified. To see the full implementation, you can check out SubValueState.

Hooks #

You might have notived that this library has certain similarities to flutter_hooks.
The primary purpose of this library is to provide convenient interstate relationships, but while building it, we noticed that it also allows the creation of easy resuable State pieces.

As such, it can fill a similar role to hooks, while having some advantages:

  • Subs retain a syntax that is close to Flutter
    Unlike hooks, Subs are Widgets and look and feel exactly like any part of the Widget tree.

  • Subs do not replace Stateful or Stateless widgets, but compliment them
    To use Subs you do not need to replace your Widgets with Hook variants. Subs work indepedently and in combination with the usual Flutter widgets. They can even be combined with StatefulWidgets where the State variables are used as Keys of the Sub.

  • Subs are not magic
    As seen in the above Principle sections, the implementation behind Subs is extremely simple. They are just a shortcut to StatefulWidget. You dont have to learn something new or follow special rules. Its also very easy to make your own custom Subs.

The way Subs are built also comes with one "disadvantage":
Because Subs are Widgets, they will increase the nesting of your tree, unlike hooks which are completely flat.

We think Subs can be a neat alternative to hooks, so there is a Sub equivalent to many hooks from flutter_hooks. Replace your useSomething with SubSomething and youre good to go!

Some hooks may not have an equivalent Sub or the Sub may function slightly differently because it made more sense that way.

Custom Subs #

Its possible to directly use SubValue in your code. If you however wish to create reusable Subs, read ahead.

You can get access to SubValueBuild and other internal types by importing package:flutter_sub/developer.dart.

SubValue #

To create your own Subs easily, you can extend the SubValue class. For example, a simple implementation of SubTextEditingController can look something like this:

class SubTextEditingController extends SubValue<TextEditingController> {
    String? text,
    required super.builder,
  }) : super(
          create: () => TextEditingController(text: text),
          dispose: (controller) => controller.dispose(),

Widgets in Builder #

If you would like to include an extra Widget inside your custom Sub, you can do so by adding it to the builder.

Here is an example of a SubValueNotifier that includes a ValueListenableBuilder, so that its child is automatically rebuilt:

class SubValueNotifier<T> extends SubValue<ValueNotifier<T>> {
    required T initialData,
    required SubValueBuild<ValueNotifier<T>> builder,
  }) : super(
          create: () => ValueNotifier<T>(initialData),
          builder: (context, notifier) => ValueListenableBuilder<T>(
            valueListenable: notifier,
            builder: (context, value) => builder(context, notifier),
          dispose: (notifier) => notifier.dispose(),

SubValue.builder #

If your custom Sub needs access to BuildContext, for example to access an InheritedWidget, you can use the SubValue.builder constructor, which will provide BuildContext to each function.

SubValueState #

If you have even more special requirements like having a special Mixin on your State, you can extend the SubValueState of your SubValue. An example of this can be seen in SubSingleTickProviderMixin.

This is provided for completeness sake. It might be easier to create a real StatefulWidget instead.

Inbuilt Subs #

flutter_sub comes with the following inbuilt Subs for your convenience:

State shortcuts #

Subs that ease the usage of inbuilt Flutter/Dart objects. Automatic disposal and updating of parameters included.

Async Subs:

Name Description
SubStream Creates and subscribes to a Stream and returns its current state as an AsyncSnapshot.
SubStreamController Creates a StreamController which will automatically be disposed.
SubFuture Creates and subscribes to a Future and returns its current state as an AsyncSnapshot.

Animation Subs:

Name Description
SubSingleTickProvider Creates a single usage TickerProvider.
SubAnimationController Creates an AnimationController which will be automatically disposed.
SubAnimator Subscribes to an Animation and returns its value.

Listenable Subs:

Name Description
SubListener Subscribes to a Listenable and rebuilds the widget whenever the listener is called.
SubValueListener Subscribes to a ValueListenable and return its value.
SubValueNotifier Creates a ValueNotifier which will be automatically disposed.

Other Subs:

Name Description
SubTextEditingController Creates and disposes a TextEditingController.
SubFocusNode Creates a FocusNode.
SubTabController Creates and disposes a TabController.
SubScrollController Creates and disposes a ScrollController.
SubPageController Creates and disposes a PageController.
SubAppLifecycleState Subscribes to the AppLifecycleState and return its value.
SubTransformationController Creates and disposes a TransformationController.
SubPlatformBrightness Subscribes to the platform's Brightness and return its value.

Hook-alikes #

Subs that are similar to React Hooks to ease transition.

Name Description
SubEffect Useful for side-effects and optionally canceling them.
SubState Creates a variable and subscribes to it.
SubMemoized Caches the instance of a complex object.
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Idiomatic State Lifecycles for Flutter. Part of the State, part of the Tree.

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