flutter_string_extractor 0.1.1 flutter_string_extractor: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard
Extract .tr and tr() strings from Flutter project and save them as JSON
Flutter String Extractor #
A Dart package for extracting strings marked for translation from your Flutter project. It searches through Dart files in a specified directory and its subdirectories, extracts strings marked with .tr
, and outputs these strings to a JSON file.
Installation #
To run using cli:
1- You can add this package to your project by adding the following line to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_string_extractor: ^0.1.1
2- Then, run flutter pub get
to fetch the package.
Alternatively, you can install it globally:
dart pub global activate flutter_string_extractor
Usage #
After you have added the package, you can use it in your project:
dart run flutter_string_extractor:extract --src-dir=lib --output-file=locale.json
Or if you installed it globally:
flutter_string_extractor ./lib output.json
Another Approach is to use it as a script: #
Add the flutter_string_extractor
package to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_string_extractor: <latest_version>
Then, run flutter pub get to fetch the package.
import 'package:flutter_string_extractor/flutter_string_extractor.dart';
void main() {
String directory = 'lib'; // Directory to search for Dart files
String outputFile = 'extracted_strings.json'; // File to output the extracted strings
FlutterStringExtractor.extractStrings(directory, outputFile);
This code will search through all Dart files in the lib directory and its subdirectories, extract strings marked with .tr, and output these strings to extracted_strings.json in the following format:
"Hello": "Hello",
"Goodbye": "Goodbye",
Contributing #
Contributions are always welcome! Please read our contributing guide to learn about our development process, how to propose bugfixes and improvements, and how to build and test your changes.
License #
This package is licensed under the MIT license.