flutter_stories_editor 0.0.42 copy "flutter_stories_editor: ^0.0.42" to clipboard
flutter_stories_editor: ^0.0.42 copied to clipboard

This plugin allows you to create a story editor and viewer in your Flutter app. Here is a detailed description of its features and functions

Platform Pub Package Build Status
Codecov Coverage License: MIT

Stories Editor / Viewer #

Stories Editor / Viewer Package for Flutter

Getting Started #

This plugin allows you to create a story editor and viewer in your Flutter app. Here is a detailed description of its features and functions:

Main Features: Story Editor:

Creating Stories: Allows users to create new stories, adding text, images, videos, and other elements. Editing Existing Stories: Enables users to edit previously created stories, change text, replace or add new media files. Interactive Elements: Includes the ability to add interactive elements such as polls, questions, and links. Preview: Users can see how their story will look before publishing. Story Viewer:

Viewing Stories: Allows users to view stories created by other users or the administrator.

Prepare for use #

Configure native platforms #

Minimum platform versions: Android 16, iOS 9.0, macOS 10.15.

iOS config preparation

Define the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription , NSCameraUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription key-value in the ios/Runner/Info.plist:

<string>In order to access your photo library</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>

Usage #

  1. Add the plugin to your pubspec.yaml file:
  flutter_stories_editor: ^0.0.1
  1. Import the plugin in your Dart code:
import 'package:flutter_stories_editor/flutter_stories_editor.dart';
  1. Use the plugin in your Dart code:
 final EditorController editorController = EditorController();
backgroundColor: Colors.pink,
controller: editorController,
topBar: const Text('Top bar'),
onDone: (StoryModel story) {},
onClose: (StoryModel story) {},

EditorController methods #

/// Open assets picker
Future<void> addImage(BuildContext context);
/// Add text element to the editor
void addText();
/// Complete editing and return the story model
StoryModel complete({String? id});
/// Toggle filter selector
void toggleFilter();
/// Edit text element
void editText(StoryElement storyElement);
/// Add Custom file widget asset
void addCustomAsset({
  XFile? file,
  String? url,
  required CustomAssetType type,
/// Add custom widget to assets
void addCustomWidgetAsset(Widget widget);

To Show stories use FlutterStoriesViewer widget #

                    storyModel: storyModel,
                    backgroundColor:  Colors.pink,

Screenshots / Demo #

Editor #

editor_1.png editor_2.png editor_3.png editor_4.png

Viewer #

