flutter_speech 2.0.1
flutter_speech: ^2.0.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin to support voice recognition on Android, iOS and Mac OSX
flutter_speech_recognition #
Based on rxlabz plugin
Objective C and Java Flutter plugin.
A flutter plugin to use the speech recognition iOS10+ / Android 4.1+ and MacOS 10.15+
Setup: #
iOS and MacOS #
Add this on your Info.plist
<string>This application needs to access your microphone</string>
<string>This application needs the speech recognition permission</string>
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Android #
Nothing to do :)
Usage: #
_speech = SpeechRecognition();
// The flutter app not only call methods on the host platform,
// it also needs to receive method calls from host.
_speech.setAvailabilityHandler((bool result)
=> setState(() => _speechRecognitionAvailable = result));
// handle device current locale detection
_speech.setCurrentLocaleHandler((String locale) =>
setState(() => _currentLocale = locale));
=> setState(() => _isListening = true));
// this handler will be called during recognition.
// the iOS API sends intermediate results,
// On my Android device, only the final transcription is received
_speech.setRecognitionResultHandler((String text)
=> setState(() => transcription = text));
=> setState(() => _isListening = false));
// 1st launch : speech recognition permission / initialization
.then((res) => setState(() => _speechRecognitionAvailable = res));
speech.listen(locale:_currentLocale).then((result)=> print('result : $result'));
// ...
// ||
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