flutter_spanned_controller 0.8.0+1 copy "flutter_spanned_controller: ^0.8.0+1" to clipboard
flutter_spanned_controller: ^0.8.0+1 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: boustro

TextEditingController implementation that allows for rich text styling in Flutter.

0.8.0+1 #

  • Merged this package into boustro.

0.8.0 #

  • Added SpannedTextEditingController.hasMarkerCharacters, a flag to replace the first and last character of the text with a zero-width space so marker characters can be used to detect backspace at the start of the line or delete at the end.
  • Fixed: Attribute detection for collapsed selections takes the attribute's expand rules into account again.

0.7.0 #

  • Update Flutter SDK version requirement to minimum 2.2.0

0.6.0+1 #

  • Edited the changelog for better formatting again.

0.6.0 #

  • Added SpanList.empty.
  • Changed: Renamed buildTextSpans to buildTextSpan for consistency.
  • Changed: Introduced AttributeGestureMapper for easier GestureRecognizer lifecycle management.
  • Changed: SpannedString.empty to a static const field (was a constructor).

0.5.0+2 #

  • Simple changelog for pub.dev.

0.5.0+1 #

  • Added example.

0.5.0 #

  • Added StringDiff.isEmpty and StringDiff.isNotEmpty.
  • Added getSpans and getTypedSpans to SpanList.
  • Added SpanController.getAppliedSpansWithUnsafeType.
  • Fixed: GestureRecognizers on spans are now indexed with their attribute instead of the resolved attribute value, because function object equality does not work with inline lambdas.
  • Fixed: SpannedTextEditingController.buildTextSpan did not translate composition indices, causing an exception in some cases with characters that take up multiple code units in UTF-16 (like most emoji).
  • Changed: TextAttribute.resolve now takes a BuildContext instead of taking an AttributeTheme directly.
  • Changed: made TextStyle in buildTextSpans optional.

0.4.0-0 #

  • Removed TextAttribute.simple. In favor of custom classes, so each attribute has its own type and serialization can use the type to determine which encoder to use.
  • Changed: moved ExpandRules to be a part of attributes themselves.

0.3.0-0 #

  • Added system to theme TextAttributes with AttributeTheme.
  • Added Range to avoid confusion with TextRange. TextRange is designed to be for indexing into String by UTF-16 code units.
  • Changed: TextAttribute now has a resolve method that returns the actual information for applying the attribute in the form of TextAttributeValue.
  • Changed: the characters library is used to index with grapheme clusters instead of UTF-16 code units. This changes most String-based API to use Characters instead.
  • Changed: use Range in AttributeSpan and related classes to avoid confusion with UTF-16 indices used by TextRange.
  • Changed: renamed SpanList.spans to iter to prevent confusing spans.spans.
  • Changed: SpannedTextEditingController takes a SpanList now instead of Iterable<AttributeSpan>.
  • Changed: renamed InsertBehavior to ExpandRule and FullInsertBehavior to SpanExpandRules. Finally, I've come up with the right name for this concept :)
  • Changed: rename SpannedString() to SpannedString.chars() and let unnamed constructor take String.
  • Fixed: Changed library name from flutter_span_controller to flutter_spanned_controller.

0.2.0-0 #

  • Added: SpannedStringBuilder to fluently build SpannedString.

0.1.1-0 #

  • Changed: Replaced template README with short explanation.

0.1.0-0 #

  • Initial release.
pub points


verified publisherjjagg.dev

TextEditingController implementation that allows for rich text styling in Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




built_collection, characters, collection, equatable, flutter, meta


Packages that depend on flutter_spanned_controller