flutter_sound_record 3.3.2
flutter_sound_record: ^3.3.2 copied to clipboard
Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path with multiple codecs, bit rate and sampling rate options.
Changelog #
3.3.2 #
- fix: Depend on new flutter_sound_record_web version
3.3.1 #
- fix: Add support for AGP 8.0
3.2.1 #
- core: Update dependencies.
3.2.0 #
- core: convert to kotlin
3.1.2 #
- fix: Use corrected platform interface.
3.1.1 #
- fix: Eleminate some deprecated functions and classes.
- core: Rebrand.
3.1.0 #
- fix: get build working on Android SDK 31
- core: change project structure
- core: add linter rules, VS Code settings and run configuration
3.0.3 #
- core: Moved from jcenter to mavenCentral (Android).
3.0.2 #
- fix: web
3.0.1 #
- fix: Android request code is now frozen.
- core: Update dependencies.
3.0.0 #
- feat: Add web support.
- feat: Add
to get current and max dBFS. - core: static methods are no more! (but api is pretty much the same)
- core: path param is now optional in
method to align behaviour with web platform. If null is given, a temp file is generated for you. - core:
method now returns the output path.
2.1.1 #
- fix: Android warning "mediarecorder went away with unhandled events".
2.1.0+1 #
- Relaxing dart/flutter constraints for pub.dev analysis.
2.1.0 #
- Add pause/resume/isPaused features.
- Updated example to include pause.
2.0.0 #
- Add null safety support (based on v1.0.3).
- Updated example. Moved from 'audioplayers' to 'just_audio'.
1.0.3 #
- Allow recording from bluetooth device on iOS.
1.0.2 #
- Fix (for good) potential exception when closing beofre recorder is actually started (Android).
1.0.1 #
- Fix potential exception when closing beofre recorder is actually started (Android).
- Fix potential NPE on permission result (Android).
- Updade dependencies.
1.0.0 #
- Flutter 1.12.0 is now minimum version (Flutter plugin API v2).
- Finalize Record API.
- Request permission on Android too.
- Automatically stop recording when leaving activity / app.
- Add all codecs with cross platform compatibility.
0.2.1 #
- Fix broken build on Android.
0.2.0 #
- Fix broken build on Android.
0.1.0 #
- Initial release.
- Implementations for Android and iOs.
- Example.