flutter_sodium 0.0.6 copy "flutter_sodium: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
flutter_sodium: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: sodium_libs

Flutter bindings for libsodium, a modern, easy-to-use crypto library.

flutter_sodium #

With flutter_sodium you get access to the modern, easy-to-use libsodium crypto library in your Flutter apps. One set of crypto APIs supporting both Android and iOS.

API coverage #

At this point in time flutter_sodium implements the following high-level libsodium APIs:

  • crypto_aead
  • crypto_auth
  • crypto_box
  • crypto_generichash
  • crypto_kdf
  • crypto_kx
  • crypto_onetimeauth
  • crypto_pwhash
  • crypto_scalarmult
  • crypto_secretbox
  • crypto_shorthash
  • crypto_sign
  • randombytes
  • sodium_version

Dart APIs #

The plugin includes a core API that maps native libsodium functions 1:1 to Dart equivalents. The core API is available in the class Sodium. Dart naming conventions are used for core API function names. A native libsodium function such as crypto_pwhash_str, is available in flutter as Sodium.cryptoPwhashStr.

Also included in flutter_sodium is a high-level, opinionated API providing access to libsodium in a Dart friendly manner. The various functions are available in separate Dart classes. Password hashing for example is available in the PasswordHash class.

The high-level API depends on the core API to get things done.

Getting Started #

In your flutter project add the dependency:

  flutter_sodium: any

Important: For iOS you'll need to manually update the Podfile in your ios project.

Usage example #

import 'package:flutter_sodium/flutter_sodium.dart';

// Password hashing (using Argon)
final password = 'my password';
final str = await PasswordHash.hashStorage(password);


// verify hash str
final valid = await PasswordHash.verifyStorage(str, password);


Example app #

This project includes an extensive example app with runnable code samples. Be sure to check it out!

Current issues #

  • The following APIs are not available on Android:
    • detached mode of both original and ietf variants of crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305
    • crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305
    • crypto_kdf
    • crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash
    • crypto_sign streaming APIs
    • randombytes_buf_deterministic
  • Using flutter_sodium in iOS doesn't work right out of the box. Manual installation steps are required.
  • Since Flutter does not support native binaries, a platform channel is established to enable native function invocation. One side effect of this approach is that the entire flutter_sodium API is asynchronous. This is great for potential long-running operations such as Argon password hashing, but does not make much sense for other short-running functions.
pub points


verified publisherfirstfloorsoftware.com

Flutter bindings for libsodium, a modern, easy-to-use crypto library.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)




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