flutter_socket_io 0.3.4
flutter_socket_io: ^0.3.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter Socket IO Plugin
flutter_socket_io #
Flutter Socket IO Plugin, supported Android + iOS
Use the plugin #
1. Add the following import to your Dart code: import 'package:flutter_socket_io/flutter_socket_io.dart';
2. SocketIOManager: to manage (create/destroy) list of SocketIO
Create SocketIO with SocketIOManager*:
SocketIO socketIO = SocketIOManager().createSocketIO("", "/chat", query: "userId=21031", socketStatusCallback: _socketStatus);
Destroy SocketIO with socketIOManager:
3. SocketIO:
Get Id (Url + Namespace) of the socket
String getId();
Create a new socket and connects the client
Future<void> connect();
Init socket before doing anything with socket
Future<void> init();
Subscribe to a channel with a callback
Future<void> subscribe(String event, Function callback);
Unsubscribe from a channel. When no callback is provided, unsubscribe all subscribers of the channel. Otherwise, unsubscribe only the callback passed in
Future<void> unSubscribe(String event, [Function callback]);
Send a message via a channel (i.e. event, the native code will convert string message to JsonObject before sending)
Future<void> sendMessage(String event, dynamic message, [Function callback]);
Disconnect from the socket
Future<void> disconnect();
Unsubscribe all subscribers from all channels
Future<void> unSubscribesAll();
4. Example: Link
SocketIO socketIO;
_connectSocket01() {
//update your domain before using
socketIO = SocketIOManager().createSocketIO("", "/chat", query: "userId=21031", socketStatusCallback: _socketStatus);
//call init socket before doing anything socketIO.init();
//subscribe event
socketIO.subscribe("socket_info", _onSocketInfo);
//connect socket
_socketStatus(dynamic data) {
print("Socket status: " + data);
_subscribes() {
if (socketIO != null) {
socketIO.subscribe("chat_direct", _onReceiveChatMessage);
void _onReceiveChatMessage(dynamic message) {
print("Message from UFO: " + message);
void _sendChatMessage(String msg) async {
if (socketIO != null) {
String jsonData = '{"message":{"type":"Text","content": ${(msg != null && msg.isNotEmpty) ? '"${msg}"' : '"Hello SOCKET IO PLUGIN :))"'},"owner":"589f10b9bbcd694aa570988d","avatar":"img/avatar-default.png"},"sender":{"userId":"589f10b9bbcd694aa570988d","first":"Ha","last":"Test 2","location":{"lat":10.792273999999999,"long":106.6430356,"accuracy":38,"regionId":null,"vendor":"gps","verticalAccuracy":null},"name":"Ha Test 2"},"receivers":["587e1147744c6260e2d3a4af"],"conversationId":"589f116612aa254aa4fef79f","name":null,"isAnonymous":null}';
socketIO.sendMessage("chat_direct", jsonData, _onReceiveChatMessage);
_destroySocket() {
if (socketIO != null) {