flutter_smart_dialog 4.9.8+7
flutter_smart_dialog: ^4.9.8+7 copied to clipboard
An elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Easily implement Toast, Loading and custom Dialog, Make the use of the dialog easier!
[4.9.8+x] #
SmartDialog.config.checkExist() adjust to SmartDialog.checkExist()
Fix #209
Revert the initialization implementation
Add onBack feature
Break change
- Delete CompatibleSmartDialog
- Delete SmartConfigCustom/SmartConfigAttach/SmartConfigLoading backDismiss
Add AdjustBuilder
Fix #248
Fix #253
[4.9.7+x] #
optimize bindWidget, when bindWidget is not null, bindPage will be automatically set to false.
Reconstruct the implementation of initialization
fix #183
adjust default widget style
[4.9.x] #
[4.9.0] #
- Breaking Change
- refactor Toast: remove 'SmartToastType.first' and 'SmartToastType.firstAndLast'
- Feature
- add 'SmartToastType.multi': Can display multi toasts at the same time
- add showNotify: By setting NotifyType, many different types of Notify dialog can be used
- showNotify custom style: You can set the default dialog style for showNotify through the notifyStyle parameter in FlutterSmartDialog.init ()
- solve #102
- solve #111
- Stability
[4.8.x] #
- Breaking Change
- If the 'bindPage' of the dialog is false, the dialog will not be closed when the page is closed
- Optimize 'tag'
- Fix #101
- Optimize 'bindWidget'
- Fix #105
[4.7.x] #
- Breaking Change
- Toast global default config adjustment(alignment: Alignment.center ---> Alignment.bottomCenter)
- Toast 'displayType' add 'onlyRefresh'
- Compatible with flutter_boost
- Add 'SmartAttachAlignmentType'
- Add 'SmartInitType'
- Optimize 'keepSingle', 'displayTime', 'tag'
[4.6.x] #
- Add 'bindWidget' feature
- Add 'nonAnimationTypes' feature
- Add 'ignoreArea' feature
- Fix #81
- Fix #82
- Fix #84
- Optimize route monitor, 'KeepSingle'
- Adjust default 'maskColor' config
[4.5.x] #
- Remove 'target' param(showAttach): please use 'targetBuilder' instead of 'target' param
- Optimize scalePointBuilder (showAttach)
- Optimize showAttach
- Add replaceBuilder (showAttach)
- Add onDismiss/onMask (showLoading)
- Add displayTime (show/showAttach/showLoading)
- Add SmartMaskTriggerType (#71)
- Fix #72
- Complete #75: add animationBuilder(Support highly custom animation)
- Fix #77
- Fix #78
- Fix #80
- Optimize replaceBuilder
[4.3.x] #
- Adapt to flutter 3
- Add SmartAwaitOverType
- Fix #56
- Fix #60
- Add SmartDialogController
- Adjust AnimationType
- fade: FadeTransition for all positions
- scale: All positions are ScaleTransition
- centerFade_otherSlide: The center position is the FadeTransition, and the other positions are the SlideTransition
- centerScale_otherSlide: The center position is the ScaleTransition, and the other positions are the SlideTransition
- Add scalePointBuilder (showAttach)
- Fix #69
[4.2.x] #
- Compatible with Flutter 2.0
- Add bindWidget feature
- Add nonAnimationTypes feature
- Optimize route monitor
[4.0.9] #
- Remove 'target' param(showAttach): please use 'targetBuilder' instead of 'target' param
- Optimize scalePointBuilder (showAttach)
- Optimize showAttach
- Add replaceBuilder (showAttach)
[4.0.5] #
- Adjust AnimationType
- fade: FadeTransition for all positions
- scale: All positions are ScaleTransition
- centerFade_otherSlide: The center position is the FadeTransition, and the other positions are the SlideTransition
- centerScale_otherSlide: The center position is the ScaleTransition, and the other positions are the SlideTransition
- Add scalePointBuilder (showAttach)
[4.0.0] #
- Breaking Change!!! migrate doc: 3.x migrate 4.0 | 3.x 迁移 4.0
- Major update
- Subdivided 'config', can control 'show', 'showAttach', 'showLoading', 'showToast' in more detail
- Add 'bindPage' feature, it can reasonably solve the problem of dialog jumping pages
- Now 'dismiss' can carry the return value, similar to pop and push usage
- You can use the 'permanent' param to set a permanent dialog
- The interval time that can be added between successive displays of toasts
- Loading can set the least loading time
- Add click listener for dialog mask
[3.4.x] #
- 'showToast' add 'consumeEvent' param: #27
- 'dismiss' can close dialogs with duplicate tags
- Fix #28
- Fix #42
- Fix #34 #41
- Add SmartStatus.allToast
[3.3.x] #
- Notice: 'antiShake' renamed 'debounce'
- Add use System dialog feature
- Solve the page jump scene on the dialog (useSystem)
- SmartStatus add status:custom,attach,allCustom
- The entry 'init' method can customize the default style of Toast and Loading
- Optimize toast:The toast no longer consumes touch events
- Add SmartStatus.smart
- Fixed the problem that the top-of-stack dialog would be closed if the tags did not match
[3.2.x] #
- Major update!
- Add 'showAttach' feature
- Support positioning widget, display the specified location dialog
- Support highlight feature,dissolve the specified location mask
- Optimize 'keepSingle' feature
[3.1.x] #
- 'show' method add 'keepSingle' function
- Optimize dismiss method
[3.0.x] #
- Support dialog stack,close the specified dialog
- support open multi dialog
- Monitor back and pop event, then close dialog reasonably
- Initialization is more concise
- Add debounce feature
- Add close all dialog status
- Adjustment comment
- Add four toast display logic
- Compatible with cupertino style
- Increase showToast's external exposure param
[2.3.x] #
- optimize function
- solve problem of keyboard shelter toast
- optimize toast. remove isDefaultDismissType api
[2.1.x] #
- reconstruction of the underlying logic
- adjust toast default duration
- add maskWidget param
[2.0.x] #
- migrate null-safety
- adapt flutter 2.0
[1.3.x] #
- Improve toast display
- Improve toast customization function
[1.2.x] #
- loadingDialog perfect parameter settings
- adjust and use show method
- add dismiss callback
[1.1.x] #
- simplified use
- fix bug, adjust the default value of clickBgDismiss attribute to true
[1.0.x] #
- improve the usage details in the document
- perfect some function
[0.1.x] #
- perfect description
- short description
- perfect description
- adjust code of example
- add example
- remove some constructors
- property debugging is complete
[0.0.x] #
- dealing with the problem of package name
- init