flutter_slidable_panel 1.1.4 copy "flutter_slidable_panel: ^1.1.4" to clipboard
flutter_slidable_panel: ^1.1.4 copied to clipboard

A high-performant slidable Panel that can show actions in different positions, and also can expand the action item when the panel is opening

A high-performant slidable Panel that can show actions in different positions, and also can expand the action item when the panel is opening

Features #

this package uses some syntax sugar of Dart 3.0, please create issues if you want to use this package in Dart 2.x, I will remove those syntax sugars and migrate it to Dart 2.x

  1. When the panel is closed/dismissed, no actions would be painted and laid out.
  2. The animation of actions (e.g., expanding/collapsing a specific action) will be scoped and not result in the re-layout and re-painting of the entire SlidablePanel
  3. control the SlidablePanel and actions programmatically using SlideController, not limited to gestures.

All action widgets can be expanded when the SlidablePanel is opening. #

Different Motions #

  • ActionMotion.drawer
  • ActionMotion.scroll
  • ActionMotion.behind

Disable gesture sliding #

By setting gestureDisabled: true, you could avoid gesture sliding and continue sliding via SlideController programmatically

  gestureDisabled: true,

Initial Opened Position #

By specifying the initOpenedPosition of SlideController, you could open actions at the initOpenedPosition without using WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback.

you should ensure there are actions at the specified initOpenedPosition

  final SlideController _slideController = SlideController(
    usePreActionController: true,
    usePostActionController: true,
    initOpenedPosition: ActionPosition.pre,

Getting started #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_slidable_panel/flutter_slidable_panel.dart';

class SizedSlidableExample extends StatefulWidget {
  const SizedSlidableExample({super.key});

  State<SizedSlidableExample> createState() => _SizedSlidableExampleState();

class _SizedSlidableExampleState extends State<SizedSlidableExample> {
  final SlideController _slideController = SlideController(
    usePreActionController: true,
    usePostActionController: true,

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text('Sized Slidable Example'),
      body: Center(
        child: SlidablePanel(
          controller: _slideController,
          maxSlideThreshold: 0.8,
          axis: Axis.horizontal,
          preActions: [
              onPressed: () {
              style: TextButton.styleFrom(
                backgroundColor: Colors.greenAccent,
                shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(),
              child: const Text("PreAction"),
              onPressed: () {
              style: TextButton.styleFrom(
                backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
                shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(),
              child: const Text("PreAction"),
          postActions: [
              onPressed: () {
              style: TextButton.styleFrom(
                backgroundColor: Colors.greenAccent,
                shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(),
              child: const Text("PostAction"),
              onPressed: () {
              style: TextButton.styleFrom(
                backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
                shape: const RoundedRectangleBorder(),
              child: const Text("PostAction"),
          child: GestureDetector(
            onTap: () {
            child: const DecoratedBox(
              decoration: BoxDecoration(color: Colors.blue),
              child: SizedBox(
                width: 250,
                height: 100,
                child: Center(
                  child: Text(
                    'Slide me',

Usage #

create a SlideController #

  • usePreActionController indicates if you want to enable expanding/collapsing the pre actions
  • usePostActionController indicates if you want to enable expanding/collapsing the post actions.

if [usePreActionController] or [usePostActionController] is set to true, the corresponding [ActionController] would be created and bound to [RenderSlideAction] automatically

  • invoking [SlideController.expand]/[SlideController.collapse]/[SlideController.toggleAction] only takes effects for two cases:
    1. [usePreActionController] is true and the current [openedPosition] is [ActionPosition.pre]
    2. [usePostActionController] is true and the current [openedPosition] is [ActionPosition.post]
  final SlideController _slideController = SlideController(
    usePreActionController: true,
    usePostActionController: true,

use different motion and alignment at different positions #

SlidablePanel.preActionLayout and SlidablePanel.postActionLayout accept ActionLayout as parameters.

  1. You could determine how to layout the actions at the different positions by specifying:

    when using ActionAlignment.flex, you could give an action a specific flex value using ActionItem. Other actions not wrapped in ActionItem would have a default flex value of 1.

    ActionAlignment.spaceEvenly would ignore ActionItem

  alignment: ActionAlignment.spaceEvenly || ActionAlignment.flex,
  1. You could also determine which motion to use:
  motion: ActionMotion.behind || ActionMotion.drawer || ActionMotion.scroll

Do something when starting sliding #

You could set onSlideStart to do some work when starting sliding, e.g., you want to dismiss all other SlidablePanel when starting sliding.

  /// other code
  onSlideStart: <your function>,
  /// other code

Use SlideController programmatically #

open the panel #

    ActionPosition position = ActionPosition.pre,
    Curve curve = Curves.easeInOut,
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
    VoidCallback? onOpened,

dismiss the panel #

    Curve curve = Curves.easeInOut,
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
    VoidCallback? onDismissed,

check the current opened position #

  • opened ActionPosition.pre for horizontal and vertical
  • opened ActionPosition.post for horizontal and vertical

expand the index action at the opened position #

index is the index in SlidablePanel.preActions or SlidablePanel.postActions

it will try to expand the index action at the current opened position if this panel is opened;

if this panel is closed/dismissed, it has no effects

if the current opened position has no associated ActionController, it also has no effects

you could associate ActionController to a specific position by setting usePreActionController or usePostActionController as true.

    int index, {
    Curve curve = Curves.easeInOut,
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150),

collapse the index action at the opened position #

    int index, {
    required ActionPosition position,
    Curve curve = Curves.easeInOut,
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150),

toggle the index action at the opened position #

    int index, {
    Curve curve = Curves.easeInOut,
    Duration duration = const Duration(milliseconds: 150),

detect if the index action is expanded

bool SlideController.hasExpandedAt(int index)


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A high-performant slidable Panel that can show actions in different positions, and also can expand the action item when the panel is opening

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