flutter_slick 4.3.13 copy "flutter_slick: ^4.3.13" to clipboard
flutter_slick: ^4.3.13 copied to clipboard

Slick patterns, components, navigation and services for Flutter.

1.0.0 #

Initial release.

1.0.1 #

  • Added example application.
  • Removed implied required logic for email validator.
  • Added history trakcing in navigation.

1.1.0 #

  • Removed navigator dependency on authorization

1.1.1 #

  • Added optional space size for spaced column and row
  • Fixed some warnings

1.1.2 #

  • Changed authetication service streams to broadcast

1.1.3 #

  • Disabled color for password hidden button

1.2.3 #

  • Sending route path arguments into rewrite

1.3.1 #

  • Added "onEditingComplete" for some fields

1.3.2 #

  • Updated error message wording on LengthValidator
  • Cleanup and wording on length validators
  • Call onChanged for currency field

1.3.3 #

  • Added and organised some field parameters

1.3.4 #

  • Improved number and currency field validation

1.3.5 #

  • Handling null values for currency and number fields

1.3.6 #

  • Using color scheme for error text
  • Added autofocus option for checkbox field

1.3.7 #

  • Fixed wrapping for checkbox field

1.3.8 #

  • Downgraded dropdown search version

1.3.9 #

  • Allow comma for currency input

1.3.10 #

  • Downgraded file picker dependency for compatibility

1.3.11 #

  • Added controller configuration for text based fields

1.3.12 #

  • Added focusNode to NumberField RETRACTED

1.3.13 #

  • Added focusNode to NumberField
  • Reverted NumberField validator to version 1.3.11

1.3.14 #

-- Fixed initial value null on NumberField

1.3.15 #

-- Removed FileField as it introduces the need for additional permissions in the Apple App store and no one is using it

1.3.16 #

-- Add keyboardType to PasswordField

3.0.0 #

  • Allow NavigationItems to have children

3.1.0 #

  • Support optional forceMobileView in MediaLayout

3.1.1 #

  • Added maxLength to StandardTextField

3.1.2 #

  • Set uses-material-design to true

3.1.3 #

  • Trying to sort out RouteArguments issue

3.1.5 #

  • NavigationItem IconData is optional

3.1.7 #

  • IsSelected parameter for StandardMenuItem and addition of darken / lighten colour extensions

3.2.0 #

  • Added suppot for StandardMenuItem to be a parent menu item (allowing drawer implementations to support NavigationItem's children property)

3.4.11 #

  • Added support for tracking input control dirty state per screen route (or when manually reset)
  • Check NavigationLogic.IsDirty

3.4.13 #

  • Added inputDecoration to StandardTextField. labelText and and enabled properties are copied to the passed in inputDecoration.

3.4.14 #

  • Added google play store compliance to standard_menu_item. It will return a widget without InkWell in the case routePath is null.

3.4.15 #

  • Removed null check on InkWell onTap for standard_menu_item.

3.4.16 #

  • Moved widget builders out of main build method for standard_menu_item.

3.5.1 #

  • Add style to StandardTextField and labelText is nullable and decoration renamed

3.5.5 #

  • Added decoration and selectedDecoration to StandardMenuItem

3.5.6 #

  • Added onFocusLost to StandardTextField

3.5.7 #

  • Handling IsDirty state

3.5.8 #

  • Adding default text style to DropDownField

3.5.9 #

  • Added keyboardType to StandardTextField

3.6.2 #

  • Added StandardDurationField

4.0.0 #

  • Support for the MVVM pattern

4.0.1 #

  • Padding on dropdown

4.0.2 #

  • Fixed Duration initial value

4.0.21 #

  • Added StandardDateField

4.0.48 #

  • MVVM Pattern enhancements
  • Added some documentation
  • Applied expected dart formatting for pub.dev

4.0.49 #

  • Add readOnly to StandardTextField

4.0.50 #

  • MVVM Pattern enhancements

4.1.0 #

  • Access control features

4.1.4 #

  • Fix error messages getting cut off
  • Loading overlay support for MVVM

4.1.6 #

  • Added insetPadding to StandardDialog

4.1.7 #

  • Added contentPadding to StandardDialog

4.2.0 #

  • Added ReadOnly field widget

4.2.8 #

  • MVVM Enhancements
  • Input formatters on StandardTextField

4.2.10 #

  • Added StandardGrid for grid layouts

4.3.2 #

  • Changed StandardMenuItem and NavigationMenuItem to use icon (Widget) instead of iconData

4.3.8 #

  • Fix initState on ViewModel
  • Removed required onChanged on StandardTextField

4.3.9 #

  • Currency field and dropdown to have readOnly flag

4.3.11 #

  • Added event stream for ViewModelWidget

4.3.13 #

  • Add input to dropdown to take in TextStyle and optional labelText
pub points


verified publishercodecollective.com

Slick patterns, components, navigation and services for Flutter.



API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


dropdown_search, flutter, get_it, intl, provider, validators


Packages that depend on flutter_slick