flutter_secure_file_storage 0.0.7 copy "flutter_secure_file_storage: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
flutter_secure_file_storage: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard


An implementation for flutter secure file storage. For example keychain has a soft limit of 4kb. Using the file system instead we can store much larger content

0.0.7 - 04/04/2022 #

Breaking #

  • Updated the min sdk to 16 on Android
  • Updated flutter_secure_file_storage

0.0.6 - 11/01/2022 #

Refactor #

  • Refactorred the implementation. Using flutter_file_storage for shared implementation.

0.0.5 - 07/01/2022 #

Fixed #

  • expose DocumentsFileStorage

0.0.4 - 07/01/2022 #

Fixed #

  • bug where an empty key was saved to the flutter_secure_file_storage_keys
  • Future & await issues

Added #

  • support to override the fileStorage. By default we will use DocumentsFileStorage
  • locking operations per key
  • locking reading & writing the flutter_secure_file_storage_keys

Breaking #

  • custom outputpath moved to the DocumentsFileStorage

0.0.3 - 06/01/2022 #

Fixed #

  • bug where the _keys were not populated correctly (keys that were used before 0.0.3 will not be populated)

Added #

  • Support for setting a custom output path

0.0.2 - 17/12/2021 #

  • encrypt and decrypt native on Android and iOS > 12

0.0.1 - 16/12/2021 #

  • encrypt and decrypt files automatically and storing the keys in secure storage
pub points


verified publishericapps.com

An implementation for flutter secure file storage. For example keychain has a soft limit of 4kb. Using the file system instead we can store much larger content

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


device_info_plus, flutter, flutter_key_value_file_storage, flutter_secure_storage, path, path_provider, pointycastle


Packages that depend on flutter_secure_file_storage