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A scan code Flutter plugin, which is a Flutter package for huawei scanning SDK.

flutter_scankit #

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A scan code Flutter plugin, which is a Flutter package for HUAWEI ScanKit SDK.The HUAWEI ScanKit is a powerful library that is easy to use and fast to read.

Scan Kit automatically detects, magnifies, and recognizes barcodes from a distance, and is also able to scan a very small barcode in the same way. It works even in suboptimal situations, such as under dim lighting or when the barcode is reflective, dirty, blurry, or printed on a cylindrical surface. This leads to a high scanning success rate, and an improved user experience.

  • ✅ Android
  • ✅ iOS

Scanning Barcodes #

ScanKit supports 13 major barcode formats (listed as follows). If your app requires only some of the 13 formats, specify the desired formats to speed up barcode scanning.

  • 1D barcode formats: EAN-8, EAN-13, UPC-A, UPC-E, Codabar, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, and ITF-14
  • 2D barcode formats: QR Code, Data Matrix, PDF417, and Aztec

Support camera scan code and local picture recognition.

Usage #

  1. Configure Permissions
  2. Handling permission requests
  3. Calling APIs

Configure Permissions #


Add the following to ios/Runner/Info.plist

    <string>Explain to the user here why you need the permission</string>
    <string>Explain to the user here why you need the permission</string>

Note that replacing the content of the tag gives the user a reason for needing the permission.

No configuration required for Android platform!

Permission Request #

In Flutter, you need a plugin library for permission handling, here I recommend using another plugin library of mine: flutter_easy_permission, go here for detailed configuration.

Open the ios/Podfile file and add the following code:

target 'Runner' do
  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))
  # Add the library of permissions you need here
  pod 'LBXPermission/Camera'
  pod 'LBXPermission/Photo'

Then execute the command to install.

Calling APIs #

  void initState() {
    scanKit = FlutterScankit()
	 ..addResultListen((val) {
	  // Back to the results
      debugPrint("scanning result:$val");

        onGranted: (requestCode, perms,perm) {
        onDenied: (requestCode, perms,perm, isPermanent) {});

Scan the code:

    // Request if no permission
    if (!await FlutterEasyPermission.has(perms: _permissions,permsGroup: _permissionGroup)) {
          FlutterEasyPermission.request(perms: _permissions,permsGroup: _permissionGroup);
    } else {
          // Call if you have permission
Future<void> startScan() async {
    try {
      await scanKit.startScan(scanTypes: [ScanTypes.ALL]);
    } on PlatformException {}

For the usage of FlutterEasyPermission please check here .

Example #

For a complete example, please see here.



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A scan code Flutter plugin, which is a Flutter package for huawei scanning SDK.

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