flutter_rocket 0.0.7 copy "flutter_rocket: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
flutter_rocket: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

Powerful package for state management & request.

0.0.1+1 #

  • Add example.

0.0.1+2 #

  • Add more Examples and add rebuild method in Model.

0.0.1+3 #

  • Support null safety

0.0.1+4 #

  • Change search parameter to params & add new parameter #path for get part of json & Add controller in model generator

0.0.1+5 #

  • fix bugs & add new item McController for add/get/remove your model Now you can use your model from another screen without traditional way

0.0.1+6 #

  • Optimization (add) method of McController & possible to add RocketRequest in controller

0.0.1+7 #

  • fix bugs
  • Inject mc (instance) of McController in Stateless and ful widget by extension for use it easily
  • remove path parameter
  • add complex parameter for complex json
  • add inspect parameter for complex json if complex true you need to define inspect by function return List of Map like this {'item':'value1'},{'item':'value1'} & if data already like this you dont need define complex and inspect
  • add sendFile Method for send files

0.0.1+8 #

  • fix PUT bugs
  • add params for post methods
  • add setCookies parameter for enable and disable setCookie

0.0.1+9 #

  • Add generics types
  • Add on RocketView call parameter for call request method & callType for define how call function will call (call as future or as stream or call when model is empty) & secondsOfStream for define seconds for update data from call method when choose callAsStream callType

0.0.2 #

  • fix some bugs & optimizated the code

0.0.2+1 #

  • add onError Function(error) parameter for getJson methods for handle errors & exceptions
  • handle errors & exceptions in RocketView widget
  • add showExceptionDetails parameter for show errors details in UI
  • add exception & statusCode in RocketModel for models
  • add params & data as body parameter for post methods
  • add debugging parameter for enable or disable debugging
  • add RocketMiniView & RocketValue for simple case
  • add merge static method in RocketValue for use multiple RocketValue in one RocketMiniView
  • replace exception & statusCode to RocketException bject for capture api, framework error
  • create RocketListenable & use it instead of ChangeNotifier object
  • add & call multi VoidCallback by one key
  • use RocketException on setException of RocketModel instead of exception & statusCode
  • add onError builder in RocketView for handle errors in widget
  • removed showExceptionDetails parameter in RocketView
  • removed complex parameter in RocketRequest methods
  • in RocketView passed on onError builder RocketException msg of error and reload method for use it for retry
  • removed unused parameter on RocketView Builder

1.0.0 #

Change package name to 🚀 MVCRocket 🚀 #

  • rename package from mc to MVCRocket 🚀
  • rename Objects
    • McView to RocketView.
    • McRequest to RocketRequest
    • McModel to RocketModel
    • McController to RocketController
    • McMv to RocketMiniView
    • McValue to RocketValue
  • add default value for onError on RocketRequest methods
  • make loading automatic on RocketView
  • use Size object instead of height an width double & inject sizeScreen extension in BuildContext
  • use log instead of print for debugging mode
  • optimized _objData method in RocketRequest
  • optimized examples structure
  • use HashMap instead of Map & add hasKey extension on HashMap
  • use LinkedList instead of List & add extensions needed
  • add const keys for RocketController rocketRequestKey, sizeScreenKey & sizeDesignKey

1.0.2 #

  • Use enums instead of string for http methods in sendFile method on RocketRequest.
  • Add RocketState enums for manage model states (done,loading,failed).
  • Add enableDebug on Models for log model state & duration of loading
  • Optmized performance by manage rebuild widgets with RocketState
  • Add log for exceptions
  • Add updateFields method for update model by parameters
  • Support rebuild widget from models of multi
  • Add unit tests for examples
  • Use Rocket instead of RocketController for save objects easily
  • Make json (fromJson parameter) non nullable on RocketModel.
  • Fix subListener issue on RocketView
  • Enhanced RocketRequest object (used 1 method for all request methods)
  • Removed multi parameter from RocketRequest method
  • Added end2end test on example
  • Renamed multi RocketModel field to all
  • Added targetData parameter on request method of RocketRequest
  • Added forEach method to Rocket

/// New Updates

0.0.4 #

  • Update RocketView

0.0.5 #

  • Added retry options to RocketClient

0.0.6 #

  • Fixed nullable value issue on RocketValue

0.0.7 #

  • Fixed haskey method and get issues on `Rocket