flutter_result 0.0.1 copy "flutter_result: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
flutter_result: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Flutter Result is a lightweight and easy-to-use package that provides a custom Result type for handling the outcome of a method call in Flutter.

flutter_result #

A simple and lightweight package that provides a Result type for handling success and error cases in Flutter and Dart. This package is inspired by the Either type in the dartz package.

Features #

  • Simple and lightweight Result type
  • Supports both success and error cases
  • Easy to integrate into existing Flutter and Dart projects

Installation #

To install this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_result: ^0.0.1

Then run flutter pub get to download the package.

Usage #

Here's an example of how to use the Result type in your code:

import 'package:result_type/result_type.dart';

Result<String, Exception> getData() {
  try {
    // fetch data from the server
    return Result.success('data');
  } catch (e) {
    return Result.error(Exception('Failed to fetch data'));

void main() {
  final result = getData();
     (onSuccess) => print('Data : $onSuccess'),
     (onError) => print('Error : $onError'),

In this example, the getData function returns a Result object that contains either a String value (in the case of success) or an Exception object (in the case of an error). The open method is then used to handle each case separately.

Contributing #

To report bugs, suggest new features, or contribute code to this package, please open an issue or a pull request on Github.

License #

This package is released under the MIT License.

pub points


verified publisherinfoowly.com

Flutter Result is a lightweight and easy-to-use package that provides a custom Result type for handling the outcome of a method call in Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)




Packages that depend on flutter_result