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Reactter is a light, powerful and reactive state management.


Reactter examples #

This page contains several examples with different feature of reactter.

Quickstart #

Run next commands:

flutter create .
flutter run

for Github search example add http permission:

Counter #

Increment and decrement counter.

Learn how to change value state.

Counter example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterContext, ReactterProvider, UseContext, UseState.

Todos #

Add, remove todo to list, mark, unmark todo as completed and filter todo list.

Learn how to add context dynamic and manage its state.

Todos example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterComponent, ReactterContext, ReactterProvider, UseContext, UseState, UseEffect.

Shopping cart #

Add, remove product to cart and checkout.

Learn how to access to other context and keep its state.

Shopping cart example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterComponent, ReactterContext, ReactterProvider, UseContext, UseState, UseEffect.

Tree widget #

Add, remove and hide child widget with counter.

Learn how to add or remove context dynamic and keep its state.

Tree widget example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterComponent, ReactterContext, ReactterProvider, UseContext, UseState.

Search user or repository and show info about it.

Learn how to manage state in async way.

Github search example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterContext, ReactterComponent, ReactterProvider, UseContext, UseAsyncState, UseState.

Animate widget #

Change size, shape and color.

Learn how to create a custom hook.

Animate widget example

Implements: ReactterBuilder, ReactterContext, ReactterHook, ReactterProvider, ReactterSubscribersManager, UseContext.

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Reactter is a light, powerful and reactive state management.

Repository (GitHub)
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