flutter_range_slider 1.3.1
flutter_range_slider: ^1.3.1 copied to clipboard
a 2-thumb Material Design range slider for Flutter that allows a range selection
[0.0.1] - 2018-08-04 #
- initial release
[0.0.2] #
- update of the package name
[0.0.3] #
- provision of an example
[0.0.4] #
- typo correction
[1.0.0] #
- Increase touch area for thumbs
[1.0.1] #
- Bug fix
[1.1.0] #
- add support to disabled theme colors
- prevent thumbs to overlap
- alignment of the edges [#11]
- added an externalization to format the value indicator
[1.2.0] - 2019-04-27 #
- compatibility with version 1.5.7+
[1.3.0] - 2019-06-11 #
- fix [#19] - support for SliderTheme.trackHeight
[1.3.1] - 2019-07-11 #
- as of version Flutter v1.7, the Flutter framework also offers its own RangeSlider, if you want to continue using this version, you need to use an alias when importing the package (see Readme and example)