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A new flutter plugin project.

flutter_qjs #

A quickjs engine for flutter.

Feature #

This plugin is a simple js engine for flutter using the quickjs project. Plugin currently supports Windows, Linux, and Android.

Each FlutterJs object creates a new thread that runs a simple js loop. A global async function dart is presented to invoke dart function, and Promise is supported so that you can use await or then to get external result from dart.

Data convertion between dart and js are implemented as follow:

dart js
Bool boolean
Int number
Double number
String string
Uint8List/Int32List/Int64List ArrayBuffer
Float64List number[]
List Array
Map Object
Closure(List) => Future function(....args)


  1. All the Uint8List/Int32List/Int64List sent from dart will be converted to ArrayBuffer without marked the size of elements, and the ArrayBuffer will be converted to Uint8List.

  2. function can only sent from js to dart and all the arguments will be packed in a dart List object.

Getting Started #

  1. Create a FlutterJs object. Make sure call destroy to terminate thread and release memory when you don't need it.
FlutterJs engine = FlutterJs();
// do something ...
await engine.destroy();
engine = null;
  1. Call setMethodHandler to implements dart interaction. For example, you can use Dio to implements http in js:
engine.setMethodHandler((String method, List arg) async {
  switch (method) {
    case "http":
      Response response = await Dio().get(arg[0]);
      return response.data;
      return JsMethodHandlerNotImplement();

and in javascript, call dart function to get data:

dart("http", "http://example.com/");
  1. Use evaluate to run js script, and try-catch is needed to capture exception.
try {
  print(await engine.evaluate(code ?? '', "<eval>"));
} catch (e) {

This example contains a complete demonstration on how to use this plugin.

notice: To use this plugin in Linux desktop application, you must change cxx_std_14 to cxx_std_17 in your project's CMakeLists.txt.

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A new flutter plugin project.

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