flutter_prompt 0.0.2 copy "flutter_prompt: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
flutter_prompt: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A lightweight prompt library, including: toast, loading, EasyLoading,bubbles, etc. 一个轻巧的提示库,包含有:吐司、加载、气泡等。

flutter_prompt #

A lightweight prompt library, including: toast, loading, bubbles, etc. 一个轻巧的提示库,包含有:吐司、加载、气泡等。

Support any custom toast effect and loading effect / 支持任意的自定义toast 效果和 loading 效果

Toast and loading do not affect each other / toast 和 loading 互不影响


Install / 安装 #

Add the following code to your project/ 将以下代码添加到您项目中的 pubspec.yaml 文件:

  flutter_prompt: ^latest

Init / 初始化 #

Methods 1 / 方式一

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Prompt',
      home: YouerPage(title: 'Flutter Prompt'),
      home: const Home(),
      builder: Prompt.init(style: MyCustomStyle()),

Methods 2 / 方式二

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Prompt',
      home: Prompt.initRoot(child: const Home(), style: MyCustomStyle()),

How to Use / 如何使用 #

Use Toast:

example() {
  // toast

  //toast and position
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", alignment: Alignment.topRight);

  // toast and type
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", type: ToastType.success);
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", type: ToastType.error);
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", type: ToastType.warning);
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", type: ToastType.info);

  //toast and time
  Prompt.showToast("你的消息", duration: Duration(seconds: 3),);

  // toast widget
  Prompt.showToastWidget((context) => Text("你好"));

  // loading 
  Prompt.showLoading(msg: "loading...");

  //hide Loading

Custom / 定制你的组件 #

customLoadingStyle或者customToastStyle中可以返回一个任意的 Widget。

Prompt.init(style: MyCustomStyle())

class MyCustomStyle with FlutterPromptCustomStyle {
  ///Custom color
  Color get colorDefault => super.colorDefault;

  Color get colorError => super.colorError;

  Color get colorInfo => super.colorInfo;

  Color get colorSuccess => super.colorSuccess;

  Color get colorWarning => super.colorWarning;

  ///Custom icon
  get iconDefault => super.iconDefault;

  Widget get iconError => super.iconError;

  Widget get iconInfo => super.iconInfo;

  Widget get iconSuccess => super.iconSuccess;

  Widget get iconWarning => super.iconWarning;

  ///Custom toast
  BorderRadius get toastRadius => super.toastRadius;

  EdgeInsets get toastPadding => super.toastPadding;

  double get toastGap => super.toastGap;

  ///Custom loadng
  EdgeInsets get loadingBgMargin => super.loadingBgMargin;

  BorderRadius get loadingBgRadius => super.loadingBgRadius;

  Color get loadingColor => super.loadingColor;

  Color get loadingDefaultMaskColor => super.loadingDefaultMaskColor;

  String get loadingDefaultText => super.loadingDefaultText;

  double get loadingHeight => super.loadingHeight;

  Widget get loadingSpin => super.loadingSpin;

  double get loadingWidth => super.loadingWidth;

  ///自定义 loading 的显示组件
  Widget customLoadingStyle(BuildContext context, String? msg,
      {String? defaultMsg, Color? maskColor}) {
    return super.customLoadingStyle(context, msg,
        defaultMsg: defaultMsg, maskColor: maskColor);

  ///自定义 toast 的显示方式
  Widget customToastStyle(BuildContext context, String msg,
      {Alignment alignment = Alignment.center,
        String? id,
        Duration? duration,
        ToastType? type}) {
    return super.customToastStyle(context, msg,
        alignment: alignment, id: id, duration: duration, type: type);

Recommend a loading library / 推荐一个加载库 #

可以用来自定义 loading

It can be used to customize loading



Welcome to leave a message / 欢迎留言

  1. ❌ Bubble / 气泡框
  2. ❌ ...

致谢 #


Thanks to flutter_spinkit , flutter_easyloading ❤️



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A lightweight prompt library, including: toast, loading, EasyLoading,bubbles, etc. 一个轻巧的提示库,包含有:吐司、加载、气泡等。

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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, plugin_platform_interface


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