flutter_paytabs_bridge 2.6.20 flutter_paytabs_bridge: ^2.6.20 copied to clipboard
Flutter plugin for Paytabs, used to handle payments using Card, Apms ... etc.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/BaseBillingShippingInfo.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/IOSThemeConfiguration.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSDKCardApproval.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSDKNetworks.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSdkApms.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSdkTokeniseType.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/PaymentSdkTransactionType.dart';
import 'package:flutter_paytabs_bridge/flutter_paytabs_bridge.dart';
void main() {
/// Main widget for the app
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
/// Instructions for the user interface.
final String _instructions = 'Tap on "Pay" Button to try PayTabs plugin';
/// Profile ID for the payment configuration.
static const String profileId = "*profile_id*";
/// Server key for the payment configuration.
static const String serverKey = "*server_key*";
/// Client key for the payment configuration.
static const String clientKey = "*client_key*";
/// Cart ID for the payment configuration.
static const String cartId = "12433";
/// Description of the cart for the payment configuration.
static const String cartDescription = "Flowers";
/// Merchant name for the payment configuration.
static const String merchantName = "Flowers Store";
/// Screen title for the payment configuration.
static const String screenTitle = "Pay with Card";
/// Amount for the payment configuration.
static const double amount = 20.0;
/// Currency code for the payment configuration.
static const String currencyCode = "EGP";
/// Merchant country code for the payment configuration.
static const String merchantCountryCode = "EG";
/// Apple Pay identifier for the payment configuration.
static const String merchantApplePayIdentifier = "";
/// Flag to simplify Apple Pay validation.
static const bool simplifyApplePayValidation = true;
/// Flag to show billing information.
static const bool showBillingInfo = true;
/// Flag to force shipping information.
static const bool forceShippingInfo = true;
/// Tokenization type for the payment configuration.
static const tokeniseType = PaymentSdkTokeniseType.MERCHANT_MANDATORY;
/// Transaction type for the payment configuration.
static const transactionType = PaymentSdkTransactionType.SALE;
/// List of alternative payment methods.
final List<PaymentSdkAPms> apms = [PaymentSdkAPms.AMAN];
/// List of supported payment networks.
final List<PaymentSDKNetworks> networks = [
/// Card approval configuration for the payment configuration.
final PaymentSDKCardApproval cardApproval = PaymentSDKCardApproval(
validationUrl: "https://www.example.com/validation",
binLength: 6,
blockIfNoResponse: false,
/// Billing name for the payment configuration.
static const String billingName = "John Smith";
/// Billing email for the payment configuration.
static const String billingEmail = "email@domain.com";
/// Billing phone number for the payment configuration.
static const String billingPhone = "+97311111111";
/// Billing address for the payment configuration.
static const String billingAddress = "st. 12";
/// Billing country for the payment configuration.
static const String billingCountry = "eg";
/// Billing city for the payment configuration.
static const String billingCity = "dubai";
/// Billing state for the payment configuration.
static const String billingState = "dubai";
/// Billing zip code for the payment configuration.
static const String billingZipCode = "12345";
/// Shipping name for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingName = billingName;
/// Shipping email for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingEmail = billingEmail;
/// Shipping phone number for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingPhone = billingPhone;
/// Shipping address for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingAddress = billingAddress;
/// Shipping country for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingCountry = billingCountry;
/// Shipping city for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingCity = billingCity;
/// Shipping state for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingState = billingState;
/// Shipping zip code for the payment configuration.
static const String shippingZipCode = billingZipCode;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text('PayTabs Plugin Example App')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
SizedBox(height: 16),
onPressed: _handleQuery,
child: Text('Query Transaction'),
onPressed: _clearSavedCards,
child: Text('Clear Saved Cards'),
/// Creates billing details for the payment configuration.
/// Returns a [BillingDetails] object containing the billing information.
BillingDetails _createBillingDetails() {
return BillingDetails(
/// Creates shipping details for the payment configuration.
/// Returns a [ShippingDetails] object containing the shipping information.
ShippingDetails _createShippingDetails() {
return ShippingDetails(
/// Generates the payment configuration details.
/// This method creates and returns a [PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails] object
/// that contains all the necessary information for configuring a payment.
/// Returns:
/// A [PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails] object containing the payment configuration.
PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails _generatePaymentConfig() {
final configuration = PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails(
profileId: profileId,
serverKey: serverKey,
clientKey: clientKey,
transactionType: transactionType,
cartId: cartId,
cartDescription: cartDescription,
merchantName: merchantName,
screentTitle: screenTitle,
amount: amount,
showBillingInfo: showBillingInfo,
forceShippingInfo: forceShippingInfo,
currencyCode: currencyCode,
merchantCountryCode: merchantCountryCode,
billingDetails: _createBillingDetails(),
shippingDetails: _createShippingDetails(),
alternativePaymentMethods: apms,
linkBillingNameWithCardHolderName: true,
cardApproval: cardApproval,
configuration.iOSThemeConfigurations = IOSThemeConfigurations();
configuration.tokeniseType = tokeniseType;
return configuration;
/// Handles the payment process for any provided payment method.
/// This method takes a payment method function, generates the payment configuration,
/// and processes the transaction event.
/// Parameters:
/// - [paymentMethod]: A function that initiates the payment process.
Future<void> _handlePayment(Function paymentMethod) async {
paymentMethod(_generatePaymentConfig(), (event) {
setState(() {
/// Processes transaction event responses.
/// This method handles the different statuses of a transaction event and logs
/// the appropriate messages.
/// Parameters:
/// - [event]: The event data containing the transaction status and details.
void _processTransactionEvent(dynamic event) {
if (event["status"] == "success") {
final transactionDetails = event["data"];
} else if (event["status"] == "error") {
debugPrint("Error occurred in transaction: ${event["message"]}");
} else if (event["status"] == "event") {
debugPrint("Event occurred: ${event["message"]}");
/// Logs transaction details.
/// This method logs the details of a transaction, including whether it was
/// successful or pending.
/// Parameters:
/// - [transactionDetails]: The details of the transaction.
void _logTransaction(dynamic transactionDetails) {
if (transactionDetails["isSuccess"]) {
debugPrint("successful transaction");
if (transactionDetails["isPending"]) {
debugPrint("transaction pending");
} else {
"failed transaction. Reason: ${transactionDetails["payResponseReturn"]}");
/// Generates the query configuration.
/// This method creates and returns a [PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration] object
/// that contains the necessary information for querying a transaction.
/// Returns:
/// A [PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration] object containing the query configuration.
PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration _generateQueryConfig() {
return PaymentSDKQueryConfiguration("ServerKey", "ClientKey",
"Country Iso 2", "Profile Id", "Transaction Reference");
/// Handles transaction query.
/// This method initiates a transaction query using the generated query configuration
/// and processes the event response.
Future<void> _handleQuery() async {
(event) {
setState(() {
/// Handles the Apple Pay payment process.
/// This method configures and initiates the Apple Pay payment process,
/// and processes the event response.
Future<void> _handleApplePay() async {
final configuration = PaymentSdkConfigurationDetails(
profileId: profileId,
serverKey: serverKey,
clientKey: clientKey,
cartId: cartId,
cartDescription: cartDescription,
merchantName: merchantName,
amount: amount,
currencyCode: currencyCode,
merchantCountryCode: merchantCountryCode,
merchantApplePayIndentifier: merchantApplePayIdentifier,
simplifyApplePayValidation: simplifyApplePayValidation,
paymentNetworks: networks,
FlutterPaytabsBridge.startApplePayPayment(configuration, (event) {
setState(() {
/// Clears saved cards.
/// This method clears the saved cards using the FlutterPaytabsBridge and logs the result.
Future<void> _clearSavedCards() async {
final result = await FlutterPaytabsBridge.clearSavedCards();
debugPrint("ClearSavedCards $result");
/// Builds the Apple Pay button, shown only on iOS.
/// This method returns a [TextButton] widget for Apple Pay if the platform is iOS,
/// otherwise it returns an empty [SizedBox].
/// Returns:
/// A [Widget] representing the Apple Pay button or an empty box.
Widget _buildApplePayButton() {
if (Platform.isIOS) {
return TextButton(
onPressed: _handleApplePay,
child: Text('Pay with Apple Pay'),
return SizedBox.shrink();
/// Builds the payment buttons.
/// This method returns a list of [TextButton] widgets for different payment methods.
/// Returns:
/// A list of [Widget] representing the payment buttons.
List<Widget> _buildPaymentButtons() {
return [
onPressed: () => _handlePayment(FlutterPaytabsBridge.startCardPayment),
child: Text('Pay with Card'),
onPressed: () =>
child: Text('Pay with Token'),
onPressed: () => _handlePayment(
child: Text('Pay with 3DS'),
onPressed: () =>
child: Text('Pay with Saved Cards'),
onPressed: () =>
child: Text('Pay with Alternative Payment Methods'),