flutter_p2p_connection 2.1.0 flutter_p2p_connection: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
A WiFi Direct Plugin for Flutter. This Plugin uses the native WiFi P2P API of Android.
flutter_p2p_connection #
A p2p wifi direct plugin.
Getting Started #
Required permissions #
Add these permissions to AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />
Add this for android 10:
<!-- add this to your AndroidManifest file application tag -->
Request Permissions #
// check if storage permission is granted
// request storage permission
// check if location is enabled
// enable location
// check if wifi is enabled
// enable wifi
// ask all permissions required for group creation and connections (nearbyWifiDevices & location)
Register / unregister from WiFi events #
To receive notifications for connection changes or device changes (peers discovered etc.) you have to subscribe to the wifiEvents and register the plugin to the native events.
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
StreamSubscription<WifiP2PInfo>? _streamWifiInfo;
StreamSubscription<List<DiscoveredPeers>>? _streamPeers;
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
void _init() async {
await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.initialize();
await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.register();
_streamWifiInfo = _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.streamWifiP2PInfo().listen((event) {
// Handle changes in connection
_streamPeers = _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.streamPeers().listen((event) {
// Handle discovered peers
Create Group #
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
Remove Group #
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
Get Group Info #
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
WifiP2PGroupInfo? info = await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.groupInfo();
Discover devices #
After you subscribed to the events, enable wifi and location with FlutterP2pConnection().enableWifiServices()
and FlutterP2pConnection().enableLocationServices()
method, then call the FlutterP2pConnection().discover()
to discover peers. To stop discovery call the FlutterP2pConnection().stopDiscovery()
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
List<DiscoveredPeers> peers = [];
void _init() async {
_streamPeers = _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.streamPeers().listen((event) {
// handle discovered peers
setState(() {
peers = event;
void discover() {
void stopDiscovery() {
Connect to a device #
Call FlutterP2pConnection().connect(deviceAddress);
and listen to the FlutterP2pConnection().streamWifiP2PInfo
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
WifiP2PInfo? wifiP2PInfo;
List<DiscoveredPeers> peers = [];
void _init() async {
_streamWifiInfo = _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.streamWifiP2PInfo().listen((event) {
// Handle changes in connection
setState(() {
wifiP2PInfo = event;
void connect() async {
await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.connect(peers[0].deviceAddress);
Disconnect from current P2P group #
Call FlutterP2pConnection().removeGroup()
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
void _disconnect() async {
Transferring data between devices #
After you are connected to a device you can transfer data async in both directions (client -> host -> other clients, host -> clients).
On the host:
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
WifiP2PInfo? wifiP2PInfo;
// create a socket
Future startSocket() async {
if (wifiP2PInfo != null) {
await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.startSocket(
groupOwnerAddress: wifiP2PInfo!.groupOwnerAddress!,
// downloadPath is the directory where received file will be stored
downloadPath: "/storage/emulated/0/Download/",
// the max number of downloads at a time. Default is 2.
maxConcurrentDownloads: 2,
// delete incomplete transfered file
deleteOnError: true,
// handle connections to socket
onConnect: (name, address) {
print("$name connected to socket with address: $address");
// receive transfer updates for both sending and receiving.
transferUpdate: (transfer) {
// transfer.count is the amount of bytes transfered
// transfer.total is the file size in bytes
// if transfer.receiving is true, you are receiving the file, else you're sending the file.
// call `transfer.cancelToken?.cancel()` to cancel transfer. This method is only applicable to receiving transfers.
"ID: ${transfer.id}, FILENAME: ${transfer.filename}, PATH: ${transfer.path}, COUNT: ${transfer.count}, TOTAL: ${transfer.total}, COMPLETED: ${transfer.completed}, FAILED: ${transfer.failed}, RECEIVING: ${transfer.receiving}");
// handle string transfer from server
receiveString: (req) async {
// runs when the socket is closed: `_flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.closeSocket()`
onCloseSocket: () {
print("closed socket");
On the client:
final _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin = FlutterP2pConnection();
WifiP2PInfo? wifiP2PInfo;
// Connect to socket
Future connectToSocket() async {
if (wifiP2PInfo != null) {
await _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.connectToSocket(
groupOwnerAddress: wifiP2PInfo!.groupOwnerAddress!,
// downloadPath is the directory where received file will be stored
downloadPath: "/storage/emulated/0/Download/",
// the max number of downloads at a time. Default is 2.
maxConcurrentDownloads: 2,
// delete incomplete transfered file
deleteOnError: true,
// on connected to socket
onConnect: (address) {
print("connected to socket: $address");
// receive transfer updates for both sending and receiving.
transferUpdate: (transfer) {
// transfer.count is the amount of bytes transfered
// transfer.total is the file size in bytes
// if transfer.receiving is true, you are receiving the file, else you're sending the file.
// call `transfer.cancelToken?.cancel()` to cancel transfer. This method is only applicable to receiving transfers.
"ID: ${transfer.id}, FILENAME: ${transfer.filename}, PATH: ${transfer.path}, COUNT: ${transfer.count}, TOTAL: ${transfer.total}, COMPLETED: ${transfer.completed}, FAILED: ${transfer.failed}, RECEIVING: ${transfer.receiving}");
// handle string transfer from server
receiveString: (req) async {
// runs when the socket is closed: `_flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.closeSocket()`
onCloseSocket: () {
print("closed socket");
To transfer a string/text: This method returns a bool.
To transfer file:
This method returns a list of transferUpdates. if it returns null
, the transfer failed!
List<TransferUpdate>? updates = _flutterP2pConnectionPlugin.sendFiletoSocket(["filePath1","filePath2","filePath3"]);
// Transfered files will be stored in the downloadPath you gave in the `startSocket` or `connectToSocket` method.
To close socket: