flutter_openim_sdk 2.0.0
flutter_openim_sdk: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
An instant messaging plug-in that supports Android and IOS. And the server is also all open source.
flutter_openim_sdk #
A flutter im plugin for android and ios.
demo | widget
Getting Started #
1,Add dependency in yaml
flutter_openim_sdk: latest
2,Import package
import 'package:flutter_openim_sdk/flutter_openim_sdk.dart';
3, Init config
// Initialize SDK
platform: Platform.isAndroid ? IMPlatform.android : IMPlatform.ios,
apiAddr: '',
wsAddr: '',
dataDir: '',
listener: OnConnectListener(),
// Set up current user info changed listener
// Add message listener (remove when not in use)
// Set up message sending progress listener
// Set up friend relationship listener
// Set up conversation listener
// Set up group listener
4, Log in
OpenIM.iMManager.login(uid: uid, token: token).then((value){
// login success
5,Get a list of conversations
OpenIM.iMManager.conversationManager.getAllConversationList().then((list) {
6,Get friend list
OpenIM.iMManager.friendshipManager.getFriendList().then((list) {
7,Get chat history
// If userID is not null and groupID is null, get a single chat message list
// If the userID is null and the groupID is not null, get a group chat message list
userID: uid,//User id
startMsg: startMsg,//Last message, take chatMsgList[0]
groupID: gid,//Group id
count: count,//Page Size
8,Send a message
// Create message
var message = await OpenIM.iMManager.messageManager.createTextMessage(
text: 'I am the content of the message',
// Send
message: message,
offlinePushInfo: offlinePushInfo,
userID: uid, // Single chat value is not null
groupID: gid, // The group chat value is not null
).then((v) {
9,Sign out
method | description |
initSDK | Initialize SDK |
unInitSDK | |
login | Log in |
logout | Sign out |
getLoginStatus | Login status |
getLoginUid | Current user id |
getLoginUserInfo | Current user information |
method | description |
setSelfInfo | Modify current user information |
getUsersInfo | Get user information by user id |
getSelfUserInfo | Get the information of the currently logged in user |
method | description |
setConversationListener | Listener |
getAllConversationList | Get all conversation |
getConversationListSplit | Paging to get conversation |
getOneConversation | Get a conversation, if it doesn't exist it will be created automatically |
getMultipleConversation | Get conversation list by id list |
deleteConversation | Delete conversation by id |
setConversationDraft | Set conversation draftText |
pinConversation | Pinned conversation |
markGroupMessageHasRead | Mark group chat messages as read |
getTotalUnreadMsgCount | Get the total number of unread messages |
getConversationIDBySessionType | Query conversation id |
setConversationRecvMessageOpt | Setup message do not disturb |
getConversationRecvMessageOpt | Message do not disturb status |
method | description |
setFriendshipListener | Set up a friend relationship listener |
getFriendsInfo | Get friend info by user id |
addFriend | Send an friend application |
getRecvFriendApplicationList | Get someone's request to add me as a friend |
getSendFriendApplicationList | Get friend requests from me |
getFriendList | Find all friends including those who have been added to the blacklist |
setFriendRemark | Modify friend remark name |
addBlacklist | Add friends to blacklist |
getBlacklist | Get blacklist list |
removeBlacklist | Remove from blacklist |
checkFriend | Determine if there is a friendship by userId |
deleteFriend | Dissolve friendship from friend list |
acceptFriendApplication | Accept application of be friend |
refuseFriendApplication | Refuse application of be friend |
method | description |
setAdvancedMsgListener | Set a message listener |
setMsgSendProgressListener | Set up message sending progress monitoring |
sendMessage | Send a message to user or to group |
getHistoryMessageList | Find all history message |
revokeMessage | Revoke the sent information |
deleteMessageFromLocalStorage | Delete message |
insertSingleMessageToLocalStorage | Insert message |
markC2CMessageAsRead | Mark c2c message as read |
typingStatusUpdate | Typing prompt |
createTextMessage | Create text message |
createTextAtMessage | Create @ message |
createImageMessage | Create picture message |
createImageMessageFromFullPath | Create picture message |
createSoundMessage | Create voice message |
createSoundMessageFromFullPath | Create voice message |
createVideoMessage | Create video message |
createVideoMessageFromFullPath | Create video message |
createFileMessage | Create file message |
createFileMessageFromFullPath | Create file message |
createMergerMessage | Create merge message |
createForwardMessage | Create a forwarded message |
createLocationMessage | Create location message |
createCustomMessage | Create custom message |
createQuoteMessage | Create quote message |
createCardMessage | Create card message |
clearC2CHistoryMessage | Clear all c2c history message |
clearGroupHistoryMessage | Clear all group history |
method | description |
setGroupListener | Set up group relationship monitoring |
inviteUserToGroup | Invite friends into the group |
kickGroupMember | Remove member from group |
getGroupMembersInfo | Get group member information |
getGroupMemberList | Get the list of group members |
getJoinedGroupList | Find all groups you have joined |
isJoinedGroup | Check if you are a member of the group |
createGroup | Create a group |
setGroupInfo | Edit group information |
getGroupsInfo | Find group information by group id |
joinGroup | Apply to join the group |
quitGroup | Leave group |
transferGroupOwner | Give group permissions to others |
getRecvGroupApplicationList | As the group owner or administrator, get the list of received group members' applications to join the group. |
getSendGroupApplicationList | Get the record of the group membership application issued by yourself |
acceptGroupApplication | Accept group application |
refuseGroupApplication | Refuse group application |
Message type
static const text = 101;
static const picture = 102;
static const voice = 103;
static const video = 104;
static const file = 105;
static const at_text = 106;
static const merger = 107;
static const card = 108;
static const location = 109;
static const custom = 110;
static const revoke = 111;
static const has_read_receipt = 112;
static const typing = 113;
static const quote = 114;
static const accept_friend = 201;
static const add_friend = 202;
static const refuse_friend_application = 203;
static const set_self_info = 204;
static const revoke_message = 205;
static const c2c_message_as_read = 206;
static const kick_online = 303;
static const transfer_group_owner = 501;
static const create_group = 502;
// static const create_group = 503;
static const join_group = 504;
static const quit_group = 505;
static const set_group_info = 506;
static const accept_group_application = 507;
static const refuse_group_application = 508;
static const kick_group_member = 509;
static const invited_user_to_group = 510;
static const ios = 1;
static const android = 2;
static const windows = 3;
static const xos = 4;
static const web = 5;
static const mini_web = 6;
static const linux = 7;
Group member role level
static const member = 1;
static const owner = 2;
static const admin = 3;
Conversation type
static const single = 1;
static const group = 2;
Message status
static const sending = 1;
static const succeeded = 2;
static const failed = 3;
static const deleted = 4;