flutter_opendroneid 0.13.0 copy "flutter_opendroneid: ^0.13.0" to clipboard
flutter_opendroneid: ^0.13.0 copied to clipboard

A flutter plugin for reading Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Remote ID advertisements using native Android and iOS platform-specific implementation.

0.13.0 #

  • Streams are de-duplicated by fields comparison
  • Android SDK requirement bumped to version 33

0.12.1 #

We require location permission for Bluetooth scanning on all Android versions, following the Android official documentation.

0.12.0 #

Changes made to ensure compatibility with new Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.

0.11.3 #

  • Use the NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES permission for Android >=13

0.11.2 #

Fixed failure preventing listener initialization which was meant to run after starting scan.

0.11.1 #

Bumped dependencies

0.11.0 #

  • Added methods for checking required Bluetooth & Wi-Fi permissions and eventually reporting when some of them are missing.
    • We've moved the responsibility to obtain necessary permissions to the target apps using this library, to avoid multiple permission requests in the target apps.

0.10.0 #

Added new options to set Bluetooth scan priority

0.9.8 #

Added methods for checking the validity of public part of UAS Operator ID

0.9.7 #

Added explicit checks for internal enum structures

0.9.6 #

  • Added missing support for Bluetooth variant of MESSAGE_PACK messages
  • Fixed Bluetooth adapter state handling on iOS

0.9.5 #

  • Add missing support for OpenDroneId MESSAGE_PACK message type
  • Fix wrong byterange when parsing UAS IDs
  • Fix parsing of Wi-Fi beacons

0.9.4 #

Add methods to detect bluetooth and wifi adapter states

0.9.3 #

Updated pigeon library to v3

0.9.2 #

Minor fixed in speeds & area calculation formulas

0.9.1 #

Fixed technology detection logic and added implemented location validation

0.9.0 #

Initial public release

pub points


verified publisherdronetag.cz

A flutter plugin for reading Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Remote ID advertisements using native Android and iOS platform-specific implementation.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


device_info_plus, flutter, permission_handler, pigeon


Packages that depend on flutter_opendroneid