flutter_occurrence_time_range_selector 0.0.1 flutter_occurrence_time_range_selector: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
A highly interactive and customizable Flutter widget that allows users to select a time range while visualizing event occurrences on a dynamic chart.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_occurrence_time_range_selector/flutter_occurrence_time_range_selector.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.deepPurple),
useMaterial3: true,
home: const MyHomePage(title: 'Occurrence Time Range Selector Demo'),
class MyHomePage extends StatelessWidget {
const MyHomePage({super.key, required this.title});
final String title;
List<TimeEvent> generateRandomEvents(
DateTime start, DateTime end, List<String> tags, int count) {
Random random = Random();
List<TimeEvent> events = [];
print('Generating $count random events between $start and $end');
final t1 = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
DateTime randomDate = DateTime(
start.month + random.nextInt(end.month - start.month),
start.day + random.nextInt(end.day - start.day),
String randomTag = tags[random.nextInt(tags.length)];
events.add(TimeEvent(tag: randomTag, dateTime: randomDate));
final t2 = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
print('Generated $count random events in ${t2 - t1} ms');
return events;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final events = generateRandomEvents(
DateTime(2024, 1, 1),
DateTime(2024, 6, 28),
['Class A', 'Class B', 'Class C', 'Class D', 'Class E'],
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.inversePrimary,
title: Text(title),
body: Column(
children: [
const Expanded(child: SizedBox()),
child: TimeRangeSelector(
startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 12),
endDate: DateTime(2024, 2, 15),
events: events,
tagStyles: const {
'Class A': TagStyle(color: Colors.blue),
'Class B': TagStyle(color: Colors.red),
'Class C': TagStyle(color: Colors.green),
'Class D': TagStyle(color: Colors.orange),
'Class E': TagStyle(color: Colors.purple),
onRangeChanged: (DateTime newStart, DateTime newEnd) {
print('New range: $newStart to $newEnd');
style: const TimelineStyle(
axisColor: Colors.black,
axisLabelStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 18, color: Colors.black),
barSpacing: 2,
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
const SizedBox(
height: 20,
child: SizedBox(
child: SelectableText(events.toString()),