flutter_obx 0.0.7 flutter_obx: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard
Simple state management for flutter
Integation Tutorial #
- Create a State Like this
class HomeState {
int? count;
HomeState({ this.count,});
HomeState copyWith({int? count}) {
return HomeState(count: count ?? this.count);
Then import'package:flutter_obx/flutter_obx.dart';
After importin the plagin create controller like this
Obx <HomeState> homeController=Obx <HomeState>( value:HomeState( count:0, ));
Ater this use ObxProvider for reflect value in ui.
ObxProvider <HomeState>( obxController:homeController, builder: (BuildContext context, HomeState value, Widget? child) { return SizedBox( width:MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, child:Column( mainAxisAlignment:MainAxisAlignment.center, children:<Widget>[ const Text( 'You have pushed the button this many times:',), Text('${value.count}', ), ], ), ); }
For update value
github example