flutter_nfc_kit 3.6.0
flutter_nfc_kit: ^3.6.0 copied to clipboard
Provide NFC functionality on Android, iOS & Web, including reading metadata, read & write NDEF records, and transceive layer 3 & 4 data with NFC tags / cards
Example of flutter_nfc_kit #
Polling #
This is the default operation mode and is supported on all platforms. We recommend using this method to read NFC tags to ensure the consistency of cross-platform interactions.
import 'package:flutter_nfc_kit/flutter_nfc_kit.dart';
import 'package:ndef/ndef.dart' as ndef;
var availability = await FlutterNfcKit.nfcAvailability;
if (availability != NFCAvailability.available) {
// oh-no
// timeout only works on Android, while the latter two messages are only for iOS
var tag = await FlutterNfcKit.poll(timeout: Duration(seconds: 10),
iosMultipleTagMessage: "Multiple tags found!", iosAlertMessage: "Scan your tag");
if (tag.type == NFCTagType.iso7816) {
var result = await FlutterNfcKit.transceive("00B0950000", Duration(seconds: 5)); // timeout is still Android-only, persist until next change
// iOS only: set alert message on-the-fly
// this will persist until finish()
await FlutterNfcKit.setIosAlertMessage("hi there!");
// read NDEF records if available
if (tag.ndefAvailable) {
/// decoded NDEF records (see [ndef.NDEFRecord] for details)
/// `UriRecord: id=(empty) typeNameFormat=TypeNameFormat.nfcWellKnown type=U uri=https://github.com/nfcim/ndef`
for (var record in await FlutterNfcKit.readNDEFRecords(cached: false)) {
/// raw NDEF records (data in hex string)
/// `{identifier: "", payload: "00010203", type: "0001", typeNameFormat: "nfcWellKnown"}`
for (var record in await FlutterNfcKit.readNDEFRawRecords(cached: false)) {
// write NDEF records if applicable
if (tag.ndefWritable) {
// decoded NDEF records
await FlutterNfcKit.writeNDEFRecords([new ndef.UriRecord.fromUriString("https://github.com/nfcim/flutter_nfc_kit")]);
// raw NDEF records
await FlutterNfcKit.writeNDEFRawRecords([new NDEFRawRecord("00", "0001", "0002", "0003", ndef.TypeNameFormat.unknown)]);
// read / write block / page / sector level data
// see documentation for platform-specific supportability
if (tag.type == NFCTagType.iso15693) {
await await FlutterNfcKit.writeBlock(
1, // index
[0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xff], // data
iso15693RequestFlag: Iso15693RequestFlag(), // optional flags for ISO 15693
iso15693ExtendedMode: false // use extended mode for ISO 15693
if (tag.type == NFCType.mifare_classic) {
await FlutterNfcKit.authenticateSector(0, keyA: "FFFFFFFFFFFF");
var data = await FlutterNfcKit.readSector(0); // read one sector, or
var data = await FlutterNfcKit.readBlock(0); // read one block
// Call finish() only once
await FlutterNfcKit.finish();
// iOS only: show alert/error message on finish
await FlutterNfcKit.finish(iosAlertMessage: "Success");
// or
await FlutterNfcKit.finish(iosErrorMessage: "Failed");
Event Streaming #
This is only supported on Android now. To receive NFC tag events even when your app is in the foreground, you can set up tag event stream support by:
- Create a custom Activity that extends
in your Android project:
package your.package.name
import android.app.PendingIntent
import android.content.Intent
import android.nfc.NfcAdapter
import android.nfc.Tag
import io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivity
import im.nfc.flutter_nfc_kit.FlutterNfcKitPlugin
class MainActivity : FlutterActivity() {
override fun onResume() {
val adapter: NfcAdapter? = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this)
val pendingIntent: PendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(
this, 0, Intent(this, javaClass).addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_SINGLE_TOP), PendingIntent.FLAG_MUTABLE
// See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/nfc/NfcAdapter#enableForegroundDispatch(android.app.Activity,%20android.app.PendingIntent,%20android.content.IntentFilter[],%20java.lang.String[][]) for details
adapter?.enableForegroundDispatch(this, pendingIntent, null, null)
override fun onPause() {
val adapter: NfcAdapter? = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this)
override fun onNewIntent(intent: Intent) {
val tag: Tag? = intent.getParcelableExtra(NfcAdapter.EXTRA_TAG)
You may also invoke enableForegroundDispatch
and disableForegroundDispatch
in other places as needed.
Update your
to use it as the main activity instead of the default Flutter activity. -
In Flutter code, listen to the tag event stream and process events:
void initState() {
// listen to NFC tag events
FlutterNfcKit.tagStream.listen((tag) {
print('Tag detected: ${tag.id}');
// process the tag as in polling mode
FlutterNfcKit.transceive("xxx", ...);
// DO NOT call `FlutterNfcKit.finish` in this mode!
This will allow your app to receive NFC tag events through a stream, which is useful for scenarios where you need continuous tag reading or want to handle tags even when your app is in the foreground but not actively polling.
GUI Application #
See lib/main.dart
for a GUI application on Android / iOS / web. Skeleton code for specific platforms are not uploaded to <pub.dev>. Please refer to the GitHub repository.