flutter_navigation_generator 1.1.0-experimental-5 flutter_navigation_generator: ^1.1.0-experimental-5 copied to clipboard
Generate your Flutter navigator by annotating your screen widgets
1.1.0-experimental (2024-06-25) #
- Added support for web parameters as query parameters and url path parameters
- Added support for methodName
- Added a package (flutter_navigation_generator_animations) with NativeRouteAnimation to animate between pages in a native way (Android scales, iOS uses CupertinoPageTransition, web doesn't animate, other platforms use FadeTransition)
- Added guards to prevent navigation under certain conditions
1.0.4+1 (2024-03-06) #
- Fixed issue with settings.arguments error in restoration
1.0.3 (2023-12-04) #
- Fixed issue with FlutterNavigator PageType overriding FlutterRoute PageType
1.0.2 (2023-11-14) #
- Added restorablePush, restorablePopAndPush, restorablePushReplacement and restorablePushAndReplaceAll methods
1.0.1 (2023-10-30) #
- Fixed issue with popAndPush
1.0.0 (2023-06-23) #
- Removed dependencies on Get and use Flutter navigation