flutter_money_formatter 0.7.3 copy "flutter_money_formatter: ^0.7.3" to clipboard
flutter_money_formatter: ^0.7.3 copied to clipboard


FlutterMoneyFormatter is a Flutter extension to formatting various types of currencies according to the characteristics you like, without having to be tied to any localization.

Version 0.7.* #

  • [0.7.3] #

  • [0.7.2] #

    • [FIX]

    • [ADD]

      • Screenshot on documentation
  • [0.7.1] #

  • [0.7.0] #

    • [FIX]

      • fractionDigitsOnly bugs when using custom decimal symbol.
      • withoutFractionDigits bugs when using custom decimal symbol.
      • Fix typo on documentation
    • [ADD]

      • Add license info on documentation

Version 0.6.* #

  • [0.6.3] #

  • [0.6.2] #

    • [UPDATE]
      • License badge on documentation.
  • [0.6.1] #

  • [0.6.0] #

    Be careful, this version has a lot of changes. After updating this version makes your application need to be revised as well.

    • [CHANGES]
      • Classified settings, output, and comparator, see documentation for more information.
      • Update documentation to match with current version.
      • Changing the license from the MIT license becomes a BSD license.
      • License notes on each file.
      • Code improvements.

Version 0.5.* #

  • [0.5.4] #

    • [DEPRECATED] spaceBetweenSymbolAndNumber is deprecated and updated with symbolAndNumberSeparator
    • [ADD] symbolAndNumberSeparator with String data type.
    • [UPDATE] documentation to match with the library capability.
    • [UPDATE] Formatting source code as suggested by pub.dartlang.org.
  • [0.5.3] #

    • [FIX] UPDATELOG format
  • [0.5.2] #

    • [FIX] Fix missing tags on documentation
    • [ADD] License notice on library
    • [ADD] library tag on header
  • [0.5.1] #

    • [UPDATE] Update documentation
  • [0.5.0] #

    • [FIX] Compact form as described here
    • [DEPRECATED] CompactFormatCase.
    • [UPDATE] Update documentation.
    • [ADD] CompactFormatType enum on format settings

Version 0.4.* #

  • [0.4.8+1] #

  • [0.4.8] #

  • [0.4.7] #

    • [UPDATE] Package description
    • [UPDATE] Enhance documentation
  • [0.4.6] #

    • [FIX] Inconsisten naming on source code & documentation
  • [0.4.5] #

    • [FIX] Documentation for method name changes.
  • [0.4.2] #

    • [UPDATE] Revise license note.
  • [0.4.1] #

    • [ADD] Compact format support
    • [ADD] Version badges on documentation
  • [0.4.0] #

    • [ADD] Compact format support.
    • [UPDATE] Update documentation.

Version 0.3.* #

  • [0.3.1] #

    • [ADD] Some badges on documentation
  • [0.3.0] #

    • [UPDATE] Documentation
    • [ADD] Compare methods:
      • isLowerThan
      • isGreaterThan
      • isEqual
      • isEqualOrLowerThan
      • isEqualOrGreaterThan

Version 0.2.* #

  • [0.2.2] #

    • [ADD] Document public APIs
  • [0.2.1] #

    • [FIX] Someline on documention files.
  • [0.2.0] #

    • [OPTIMIZE] UPDATE meta package into foundation package.

Version 0.1.* #

  • [0.1.1] #

    • [ADD] Documentation
    • [OPTIMIZE] Removing unecessary line
  • [0.1.0] #

    • Initial Release
pub points


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FlutterMoneyFormatter is a Flutter extension to formatting various types of currencies according to the characteristics you like, without having to be tied to any localization.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, intl


Packages that depend on flutter_money_formatter