flutter_mobile_vision 0.1.4+1
flutter_mobile_vision: ^0.1.4+1 copied to clipboard
Flutter implementation for Google Mobile Vision. Scan Barcodes, Recognize Text and Detect Faces.
flutter_mobile_vision #
Flutter implementation for Google Mobile Vision.
Based on Google Mobile Vision.
Android Samples -=- iOS Samples
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Features #
- ✅ Barcode Scan
- ✅ Front or Back camera.
- ✅ Select preview sizes.
- ✅ Simple scan.
- ✅ Toggle torch.
- ✅ Toggle auto focus.
- ✅ Specify types of barcodes that will be read.
- ✅ Tap to capture.
- ✅ Select barcode type to be scanned.
- ✅ Scan multiple barcodes.
- ✅ Barcode coordinates.
- ✅ Show barcode text.
- ✅ Standard code.
- ✅ Recognize Text
- ✅ Front or Back camera.
- ✅ Select preview sizes.
- ✅ Simple OCR.
- ✅ Toggle torch.
- ✅ Toggle auto focus.
- ✅ Multiple recognition.
- ✅ Text language.
- ✅ Text coordinates.
- ✅ Hide recognized text.
- ✅ Standard code.
- ✅ Detect Faces
- ✅ Front or Back camera.
- ✅ Select preview sizes.
- ✅ Simple detection.
- ✅ Toggle torch.
- ✅ Toggle auto focus.
- ✅ Multiple detection.
- ✅ Face coordinates.
- ✅ Hide detection information.
- ✅ Standard code.
- ✅ Generalization of capture activities.
- ✅ Choose between back and front camera.
- ✅ Control camera FPS.
- ✅ Barcode Scan
- ❌ Barcode Scan
- ❌ Future Tasks
- ❌ Recognize Text
- ❌ Future Tasks
- ❌ Detect Faces
- ❌ Future Tasks
- ❌ Barcode Scan
Your feature isn't listed? Open a issue right now! #
Screenshots #
Usage #
To use this plugin :
- add the dependency to your
sdk: flutter
flutter_mobile_vision: ^0.1.3
- add FlutterMobileVision.start() to initState():
void initState() {
FlutterMobileVision.start().then((x) => setState(() {}));
or for a better implementation:
void initState() {
FlutterMobileVision.start().then((previewSizes) => setState(() {
_previewBarcode = previewSizes[_cameraBarcode].first;
_previewOcr = previewSizes[_cameraOcr].first;
_previewFace = previewSizes[_cameraFace].first;
Barcode #
List<Barcode> barcodes = [];
try {
barcodes = await FlutterMobileVision.scan(
flash: _torchBarcode,
autoFocus: _autoFocusBarcode,
formats: _onlyFormatBarcode,
multiple: _multipleBarcode,
waitTap: _waitTapBarcode,
showText: _showTextBarcode,
preview: _previewBarcode,
camera: _cameraBarcode,
fps: 15.0,
} on Exception {
barcodes.add(new Barcode('Failed to get barcode.'));
Android #
For Android, you must do the following before you can use the plugin:
Add the camera permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
Add the Barcode activity to your AndroidManifest.xml (after other activity nodes)
<activity android:name="io.github.edufolly.fluttermobilevision.barcode.BarcodeCaptureActivity" />
iOS #
If you can help, the community thanks. Your fork is needed. 😉
List<OcrText> texts = [];
try {
texts = await FlutterMobileVision.read(
flash: _torchOcr,
autoFocus: _autoFocusOcr,
multiple: _multipleOcr,
showText: _showTextOcr,
previewSize: _previewOcr,
preview: _previewOcr,
camera: _cameraOcr,
fps: 2.0,
} on Exception {
texts.add(new OcrText('Failed to recognize text.'));
Android #
For Android, you must do the following before you can use the plugin:
Add the camera permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
Add the OCR activity to your AndroidManifest.xml (after other activity nodes)
<activity android:name="io.github.edufolly.fluttermobilevision.ocr.OcrCaptureActivity" />
iOS #
If you can help, the community thanks. Your fork is needed. 😉
Face Detection #
List<Face> faces = [];
try {
faces = await FlutterMobileVision.face(
flash: _torchFace,
autoFocus: _autoFocusFace,
multiple: _multipleFace,
showText: _showTextFace,
preview: _previewFace,
camera: _cameraFace,
fps: 15.0,
} on Exception {
faces.add(new Face(-1));
Android #
For Android, you must do the following before you can use the plugin:
Add the camera permission to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.camera" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
Add the Face Detection activity to your AndroidManifest.xml (after other activity nodes)
<activity android:name="io.github.edufolly.fluttermobilevision.face.FaceCaptureActivity" />
iOS #
If you can help, the community thanks. Your fork is needed. 😉