flutter_meedu_videoplayer 4.0.9 copy "flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^4.0.9" to clipboard
flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^4.0.9 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: universal_video_controls

A cross Platform video player that uses video_player for android and ios and web, video_player_media_kit for windows and linux and macos.

flutter_meedu_videoplayer #

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Cross-platform video player #

  • For Android, Ios and Web we are using video player
  • For Windows and Linux and macos we are using media_kit.


meedu_player meedu_player
Features iOS Android windows linux macos web
Videos from Network
Videos from Assets
Videos from local files
Looping x x x x
Swipe to increase and decrease Sound keyboard arrows keyboard arrows keyboard arrows
Swipe to seek in video keyboard arrows keyboard arrows keyboard arrows
Launch Player as FullScreen
Playback Speed
fastForward / Rewind
srt subtitles x x x x
Customize partially partially partially partially x partially

Initialize #

void main() {

Setup #

Windows #

Everything ready.

Linux #

System shared libraries from distribution specific user-installed packages are used by-default. You can install these as follows.

Ubuntu / Debian

sudo apt install libmpv-dev mpv


There are other ways to bundle these within your app package e.g. within Snap or Flatpak. Few examples:

Note: macos is not tested (if you have any problems open an issue) #

macOS #

Everything ready.

The minimum supported macOS version is 11.0,set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 11.0 macos\Runner.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj

Also, during the build phase, the following warnings are not critical and cannot be silenced:

#import "Headers/media_kit_video-Swift.h"
/path/to/media_kit/media_kit_test/build/macos/Build/Products/Debug/media_kit_video/media_kit_video.framework/Headers/media_kit_video-Swift.h:270:31: warning: 'objc_ownership' only applies to Objective-C object or block pointer types; type here is 'CVPixelBufferRef' (aka 'struct __CVBuffer *')
- (CVPixelBufferRef _Nullable __unsafe_unretained)copyPixelBuffer SWIFT_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
# 1 "<command line>" 1
<command line>:20:9: warning: 'POD_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG' macro redefined

iOS (replace original video_player with media_kit one) #

  1. The minimum supported iOS version is 13.0, so the target needs to be set IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to 13.0 in ios\Runner.xcodeproj\project.pbxproj
  2. Just add this package in case you set iosUseMediaKit to true in initMeeduPlayer
  media_kit_libs_ios_video: ^1.0.2         # iOS package for video (& audio) native libraries.

Also, software rendering is forced in the iOS simulator, due to an incompatibility with OpenGL ES.

👋 👉 Complete documentation here