flutter_meedu_videoplayer 3.1.3 copy "flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^3.1.3" to clipboard
flutter_meedu_videoplayer: ^3.1.3 copied to clipboard

discontinuedreplaced by: universal_video_controls

A cross Platform video player that uses video_player for android and ios and web, video_player_dart_vlc for windows and linux.

flutter_meedu_videoplayer #

Cross-platform video player (macos not included) #

  • For Android, Ios and Web we are using video player
  • For Windows and Linux we are using dart-vlc.


meedu_player meedu_player
Features iOS Android windows linux macos web
Videos from Network x
Videos from Assets x
Videos from local files x
Looping x x x x
AutoPlay x
Swipe to increase and decrease Sound keyboard arrows keyboard arrows x keyboard arrows
Swipe to seek in video keyboard arrows keyboard arrows x keyboard arrows
FullScreen x
Launch Player as FullScreen x
Playback Speed x
fastForward / Rewind x
srt subtitles x x x x
Customize partially partially partially partially x partially

Initialize #

void main() {

Setup #

Windows #

Everything is already set up.

Linux #

For using this plugin on Linux, you must have VLC & libVLC installed.

On Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install vlc
sudo apt-get install libvlc-dev

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install vlc
sudo dnf install vlc-devel

👋 👉 Complete documentation here