flutter_local_authentication 1.2.0 flutter_local_authentication: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin that allows access to Local Authentication / Biometrics on iOS, macOS, Linux and Android.
1.2.0 #
- Add GitHub actions for publishing releases to pub.dev automatically
- Downgraded Flutter SDK
- Requires:
- sdk: '>=3.1.0 <4.0.0'
- flutter: '3.0.0'
1.1.0 #
- Add a localization model for messages shown to the user
1.0.0 #
- Implemented 'setTouchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration' for iOS and macOS
- Implemented 'getTouchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration' for iOS and macOS
- touchIDAuthenticationAllowableReuseDuration defaults to 0 Docs
- Requires:
- sdk: '>=3.1.3 <4.0.0'
- Minimun iOS version 12.0
- Improved documentation
0.0.3 #
Implements 'authenticate' operation in all platforms
Android using Biometrics API
macOS and iOS using Local Authentication
- macOS uses LAPolicy deviceOwnerAuthentication
- iOS uses LAPolicy deviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics
Linux using libfprint (fprintd-verify)
0.0.2 #
- Implements 'supports' operation on Android using Biometrics API
0.0.1 #
- Implements 'supports' operation on macOS
- Implements 'supports' operation on Linux
- Implements 'supports' operation on iOS