flutter_listfilter 0.0.8 copy "flutter_listfilter: ^0.0.8" to clipboard
flutter_listfilter: ^0.0.8 copied to clipboard

This package makes filtering lists a breeze by utilizing filter chips based on a user model list.

Flutter Filter Based on List #

Contents #

This package provides a Flutter widget for filtering based on a list of parameters. It includes:

  • Auto-suggestions: Dynamically loads filter options based on the provided list.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate the filter widget into your Flutter application.
  • Customization: Customize the primary color, line color, and other visual aspects to match your app's design.
  • Efficient Filtering: Quickly filter through options to find the desired selection.

Before using packages, please add the following toJson method to your Module class for getting key parameters and values:

class TextList {
  final String fields;
  final String doc;
  final String createDate;
  final String updateDate;
  final String updatedBy;

      this.fields, this.doc, this.createDate, this.updateDate, this.updatedBy);

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
    final Map<String, dynamic> data = <String, dynamic>{};
    data['fields'] = fields;
    data['doc'] = doc;
    data['createDate'] = createDate;
    data['updateDate'] = updateDate;
    data['updatedBy'] = updatedBy;
    return data;

  dynamic get(String key) {
    var mapRep = toJson();
    if (mapRep.containsKey(key)) {
      return mapRep[key];
    //throw ArgumentError('filter=>getTaskTableList=>key not found=>$key');

Example #

You can also use your widget, or else it is not necessary to pass the widget:

  isRadio: true,
  primaryColor: Colors.blue,
  lineColor: Color(0xFFA9B5BB),
  extraChipWidgets://your widgets
  textList: textList,
  filterHeaderList: filterHeaderList,
  builder: (List<dynamic> textLoadList) {
    // Your code here

If you prefer using radio buttons:

  isRadio: true,
  primaryColor: Colors.blue,
  lineColor: Color(0xFFA9B5BB),
  textList: textList,
  filterHeaderList: filterHeaderList,
  builder: (List<dynamic> textLoadList) {
    // Your code here

If you prefer using checkboxes:

  isRadio: false,
  primaryColor: Colors.blue,
  lineColor: Color(0xFFA9B5BB),
  textList: textList,
  filterHeaderList: filterHeaderList,
  builder: (List<dynamic> textLoadList) {
    // Your code here

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This package makes filtering lists a breeze by utilizing filter chips based on a user model list.

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flutter, flutter_bloc


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