flutter_lints_plus 3.1.0 flutter_lints_plus: ^3.1.0 copied to clipboard
Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good coding practices.
3.1.0 - December 26, 2023 #
- Updated
dependency to version 3.0.1- collection_methods_unrelated_type was added to dart-lang core
- dangling_library_doc_comments was added to dart-lang core
- implicit_call_tearoffs was added to dart-lang core
- iterable_contains_unrelated_type was removed from dart-lang core
- list_remove_unrelated_type was removed from dart-lang core
- prefer_equal_for_default_values was removed from dart-lang core
- prefer_void_to_null was removed from dart-lang recommended
- secure_pubspec_urls was added to dart-lang core
- type_literal_in_constant_pattern was added to dart-lang core
- unnecessary_to_list_in_spreads was added to dart-lang recommended
- use_string_in_part_of_directives was added to dart-lang core
- use_super_parameters was added to dart-lang recommended
- Updated with latest lints from https://dart.dev/tools/linter-rules/all
- annotate_redeclares was added
- no_self_assignments was added
3.0.1 - May 30, 2023 #
- Removed
. It is currently not a recognized linter rule.
3.0.0 - May 30, 2023 #
- Updated to require Dart 3 and added the following new lints:
- deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
- implicit_reopen
- invalid_case_patterns
- matching_super_parameters
- no_literal_bool_comparisons
- no_self_assignments
- type_literal_in_constant_pattern
2.1.0 - March 17, 2023 #
- Updated with latest lints from https://dart-lang.github.io/linter/lints/options/options.html
2.0.1 - June 6, 2022 #
- In the analyzer section, switched from using
implicit-casts: false
andimplicit-dynamic: false
to usingstrict-casts: true
,strict-inference: true
, andstrict-raw-types: true
. - Removed
close_sinks: ignore
from the analyzer error section.
2.0.0 - May 28, 2022 #
- Bumped the minimum required Dart SDK version to 2.17
- Added the following lints:
- avoid_final_parameters
- conditional_uri_does_not_exist
- secure_pubspec_urls
- sized_box_shrink_expand
- sort_constructors_first
- use_late_for_private_fields_and_variables
- use_super_parameters
- Updated
dependency to version 2.0.1, which added the following lints:- depend_on_referenced_packages
- library_private_types_in_public_api
- no_leading_underscores_for_library_prefixes
- no_leading_underscores_for_local_identifiers
- null_check_on_nullable_type_parameter
- prefer_interpolation_to_compose_strings
- sort_child_properties_last
- unnecessary_constructor_name
- unnecessary_late
- unnecessary_null_aware_assignments
- unnecessary_nullable_for_final_variable_declarations
- use_build_context_synchronously
1.0.1 #
- Updated to include:
implicit-casts: false
implicit-dynamic: false
close_sinks: ignore
missing_required_param: error
missing_return: error
- /**/generated_plugin_registrant.dart
- /**/.test_coverage.dart
1.0.0 #
- Initial release.