flutter_lazy_loading 1.1.3 flutter_lazy_loading: ^1.1.3 copied to clipboard
Simple package Big usage, flutter lazy loading or load as scroll.
A Small package for big usage A Simple package that gives great scrolling and loading items experience for users. which is called: Lazy loading, Load on scroll, pagination, infinity scroll etc.
Features #
- Loads Items and show as ListView or GridView
- Load More items as user scrolls
- Uses builder function so efficiently creates scrollable listview or gridview
- Very Easy to implement
Getting started #
- Add this flutter_lazy_loading package to your pubspec.yaml file under dependencies: section
- Or run the command "flutter pub add flutter_lazy_loading" in the terminal from the root of your project
- Then add "provider" package with the command "flutter pub add provider"
Usage #
- Go to the file where you want to add this LazyLoadingWidget
- Start with creating a LazyLoadingProvider of your required Type, for this example using Books type
create: (context) => LazyLoadingProvider<Books>(
// passing fetchItemsMethod
fetchItems: ItemsController().fetchItems,
firstPageNumber: 1),
child: Consumer<LazyLoadingProvider<Books>>(
- In the above LazyProviderConstructor need to pass firstPageNumber and fetchItems Method:
- fetchItems is a method with return type of Future<ItemsResponse
- This method fetches the data with the parameters [page] and [offset] and
- convert the resulted items into ItemsResponse
Future<ItemsResponse<Books>?> fetchItems(int page, int offset)async{
List<Books> books = <Books>[];
num end = page*offset;
num start = end - offset;
for(var i=start; i < (end.toInt() <= booksDataBase.length ? end.toInt() : booksDataBase.length); i++){
final bookData = booksDataBase[i.toInt()];
final book = Books.fromJson(bookData);
if(book != null){
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
return books.isNotEmpty ? ItemsResponse<Books>(
items: books,
totalPages: booksDataBase.length~/offset
) : null;
- For the child parameter add Consumer of LazyLoadingProvider and in the itemWidget function return the LazyLoadingWidget
builder: (context, provider, _){
return LazyLoadingWidget(
provider: provider,
itemWidget: (book){...}
- Last thing, for LazyLoadingWidget in the itemWidget function create the layout of widget for your each Item
- Which decides how each item should looks
return Container(
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(24),
color: Colors.orange.shade200,
margin: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
child: Row(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
Icon(Icons.menu_book_outlined, color: Colors.blue, size: 50,),
Expanded(child: Column(
children: [
- for full example see the Example Tab