flutter_laravel_form_validation 1.0.4 copy "flutter_laravel_form_validation: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
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A simplified dart extension based flutter form validation . Inspired by Laravel Validation.

Flutter Laravel Form Validation #

A simplified dart extension based flutter form validation . Inspired by Laravel Validation.

🎖 Installing #

  flutter_laravel_form_validation : ^1.0.4

⚡️ Import #

import 'package:flutter_laravel_form_validation/flutter_laravel_form_validation.dart';

🎮 How To Use #

Validation rules in a list, short form without label or custom messages #

        validator : ['required','max:10','uppercase'].v,

Validation rules in a list using the FLValidator class, short form without label or custom messages #

        validator : [FLValidator.required,FLValidator.max(10),FLValidator.uppercase].v,

Custom validation in a list #

        validator : [FLValidator.required,customValidation].v,

    String? customValidation(String? value) {
    if (value == "flutterdev") {
        return "Value cannot be flutterdev";
    return null;

Validation rules in a string, short form without label or custom messages #

        validator : "required|max:10|uppercase".v,

Validation rules in a list with label or custom messages #

        validator : ['required','max:10','uppercase',].validate(attribute: 'Username',
        customMessages: {
            'required': "You must input your username",
            'max': "The length must be 10",
             'uppercase': "Only uppercase is allowed"

Validation rules in a list with label or custom messages #

        validator : "required|max:10|uppercase".validate(attribute: 'Username',
        customMessages: {
            'required': "You must input your username",
            'max': "The length must be 10",
             'uppercase': "Only uppercase is allowed"

Rules #

Class property String Description Example
FLValidator.required required For making sure a form field value is required ['required'] or 'required' or [FLValidator.required]
FLValidator.numeric numeric For making sure a form field value is numeric ['numeric'] or 'numeric' or [FLValidator.numeric]
FLValidator.integer interger For making sure a form field value is an interger ['interger'] or 'interger' or [FLValidator.interger]
FLValidator.double double For making sure a form field value is a double ['double'] or 'double' or [FLValidator.double]
FLValidator.between(min,max) between(min,max) For making sure a form field value is between the of min and max ['between:2,8'] or 'between(2,8)' or [FLValidator.between(2,8)]
FLValidator.max(length) max:length For making sure a form field value length is limited to the max length ['max:5'] or 'max:5' or [FLValidator.max(5)
FLValidator.min(length) min:length For making sure a form field value length is limited to the min length ['min:5'] or 'min:5' or [FLValidator.min(5)]
FLValidator.gt(number) gt:number For making sure a form field value is greater than the number specified ['gt:10'] or 'gt:10' or [FLValidator.gt(10)]
FLValidator.lt(number) lt:number For making sure a form field value is less than the number specified ['lt:10'] or 'lt:10' or [FLValidator.lt(10)]
FLValidator.gte(number) gte:number For making sure a form field value is greater than or equal to the number specified ['gte:10'] or 'gte:10' or [FLValidator.gte(10)]
FLValidator.lte(number) lte:number For making sure a form field value is less than or equal to the number specified ['lte:10'] or 'lte:10' or [FLValidator.lte(10)]
FLValidator.uppercase uppercase For making sure a form field value is uppercase ['uppercase'] or 'uppercase' or [FLValidator.uppercase]
FLValidator.lowercase lowercase For making sure a form field value is lowercase ['lowercase'] or 'lowercase' or [FLValidator.lowercase]
FLValidator.startsWith(value) starts_with:value For making sure a form field value starts with the specified value ['starts_with:man'] or 'starts_with:man' or [FLValidator.startsWith(man)]
FLValidator.endsWith(value) ends_with:value For making sure a form field value ends with the specified value ['ends_with:man'] or 'ends_with:man' or [FLValidator.endsWith(man)]
FLValidator.same(other) same:other For making sure a form field value is same as other ['same:other'] or 'same:other' or [FLValidator.same(other)]
FLValidator.alphaNum alpha_num For making sure a form field value is alpha numeric ['alpha_num'] or 'alpha_num' or [FLValidator.alphaNum]
FLValidator.inItems(List items) in: For making sure a form field value exist in a list ['in:he,she,it'] or 'in:he,she,it' or [FLValidator.inItems([he,she,it])]
FLValidator.notInItems(List items) not_in: For making sure a form field value does exist in a list ['not_in:he,she,it'] or 'not_in:he,she,it' or [FLValidator.notInItems([he,she,it])]
FLValidator.regEx(pattern) regex:pattern For making sure a form field value match the specified regular expression pattern ['regex:pattern'] or 'regex:pattern' or [FLValidator.regEx(pattern)]
FLValidator.email email For making sure a form field value is an email ['email'] or 'email' or [FLValidator.email]
FLValidator.ip ip For making sure a form field value is an ip address ['ip'].v or 'ip'.v or [FLValidator.ip].v
FLValidator.url url For making sure a form field value is a url ['url'].v or 'url'.v or [FLValidator.url].v

Also, localization is a work in progress

🐛 Bugs/Requests #

If you encounter any problems feel free to open an issue. If you feel the library is missing a feature, please raise a ticket on Github and I'll look into it. Pull request are also welcome.



verified publisherabiodundotdev.prodigysoftware.org

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A simplified dart extension based flutter form validation . Inspired by Laravel Validation.

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