flutter_keycloak 1.1.5
flutter_keycloak: ^1.1.5 copied to clipboard
A Flutter Keycloak wrapper, to manage the authentication and tokens automatically
flutter_keycloak #
Manage your Keycloak tokens in a Flutter app.
This plugin exposes some util methods to interact with [Keycloak][KeycloakHome] in order to handle the user session.
Documentation #
- [Setup][SetupAnchor]
- [API][APIAnchor]
- [Utils][UtilsAnchor]
Setup #
App configuration #
Imports #
Import the library and initialize the plugin
import 'package:flutter_keycloak/flutter_keycloak.dart';
final FlutterKeycloak _flutterKeycloak = FlutterKeycloak();
login #
void login() async {
await _flutterKeycloak.login(
scope: _scope,
Sometimes you may need to re-login your user w/ Keycloak via the login process but, for some reason, you don't want / can't display the login page.
This method will re-login your user.
refreshLogin #
void refreshLogin() async {
await _flutterKeycloak.refreshLogin(
scope: 'offline_access',
retrieveUserInfo #
void retrieveUserInfo() async {
final userInfo = await _flutterKeycloak.retrieveUserInfo();
setState(() {
_currentPrefs = userInfo.toString();
logout #
void logout() async {
await _flutterKeycloak.logout();
destroySession: Since the /openid-connect/token
simply returns an access token
and doesn't create any session on Keycloak side, if you used the login
method you want to pass false.
Passing true
tries to destroy the session: pay attention that on newer Keycloak versions this raises an error if no session is present, preventing the logout.