flutter_keyboard_nums 2.1.0
flutter_keyboard_nums: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
You can use keyboard in windows and linux!!
English, Special Symbol and numbers keyboard for Windows and linux
Usage #
for keyboard use CustomKeyBoard
const like = 'sample';
TextEditingController controller = TextEditingController;
controller: controller, // required TextEditingController
maxLength: 12,
backgroundColor = Colors.grey,
buttonColor = Colors.white,
iconColor = Colors.black,
backgroundOpacity = 0.3,
textSize = 25,
onSubmit: (){ // required
In CustomKeyBoard you can change the length, backgroundColor, buttonColor, iconColor, backgroundOpacity, textSize
In SepcialSymbolNumPad you can change the buttonSize, buttonColor, iconColor, maxLength also you can put if its phone number or if it is just a number by bool isNotPhoneNumber.