flutter_js 0.8.2
flutter_js: ^0.8.2 copied to clipboard
A Javascript engine to use with flutter. It uses Quickjs on Android and JavascriptCore on IOS
0.8.1 #
- fix ffi loading of JavascriptCore which failed to resolve relative path 'JavaScriptCore.framework/JavaScriptCore' in MacOS and iOS, since Flutter version 3.22.0
0.8.0 #
- upgrade http dependency to ^1.0.0
0.7.2 #
- upgraded quickjs code (to allow set timeout and set maxMemory) in preparation for further improvements
- reduced the json output in the example app
0.7.1 #
- async callback for JSC runtime
- upgraded jsc core in example app
0.7.0 #
- Breaking: require dart 3.0 and Flutter 3 and above
- now supports Flutter 3.10 and Dart 3.0
0.6.0 #
- Breaking: require dart 2.17
- Breaking: bump
0.5.1 #
- Remove deprecated jCenter android repository in favor of mavenCentral
0.5.0+6 #
- Accepted PR 66 to return the stack trace into the error message from javascriptcore
- Accepted PR [#74] which prints multiples args passed into console.log
- Updated example application with new Flutter version (2.10.1)
0.5.0+5 #
- Accept PR 67 to adjust channelFunction to return the function result when using JavascriptCore on Android
0.5.0+3 #
- Fix the network call bug: https://github.com/abner/flutter_js/pull/57
0.5.0+2 #
- Fix the minimal stack size for 1MB for QuickJS Runtime
0.5.0+1 #
- Fix the handle_promises when the promise result is not a string
0.5.0+0 #
- Fixes issue relative to build on Dart 2.13 (issues #41 and #42)
0.4.0+6 #
- Fix executePendingJobs (wasn't dispatching in the most current version)
0.4.0+5 #
- Removed console.log from fetch.js
0.4.0+4 #
- Fixed issue on xhr requests - wasn't passing headers to the requests
0.4.0+2 #
- Updated README.md with information about github repository containing the C bridge used on Windows and Linux
0.4.0+1 #
- Updated README.md
0.4.0+0 #
- Added support to windows, macos and linux platforms
- Fixed fetch error
- Improved the channels/dart callback integration
0.3.0+0 #
- Null-safety migration
0.2.4+0 #
- Updated ffi, http dependencies
- Upgraded code for compatibility with ffi 1.0.0
0.2.3+0 #
- Updated QuickJS engine to version 2020-11-08
- Fix fetch
0.2.2+0 #
- Updated QuickJS engine to version 2020-09-06
0.2.1+0 #
- Updated to use QuickJS through Dart ffi instead of Platform Channel
0.2.0+0 #
- Updated to use QuickJS through PlatformChannel on Android (with this change, Android apk added size will return to be minimal )
- Change QuickJS integration to call Android platform in a sync way through http
- Added option to use JavascriptCore on Android
0.1.0+2 #
- Small fixes in the documentation on README.md
0.1.0+1 #
- Add example of onMessage (bridge which allow javascript code to call Dart) in the README.md
0.1.0+0 #
- Changed to use Dart FFI to call the Javascript Runtimes: QuickJS by Default in Android and JavascriptCore in iOS
0.0.3+1 #
- Updated to use a new version of oasis-jsbridge-android which brings quickjs (js engine for Android) upgraded to the latest version (currently 2020-07-05)
0.0.2+1 #
- Upgraded to use oasis-jsbridge-android library under the hood
0.0.1+2 #
- Fixed a typo in the FlutterJsPlugin.kt class
0.0.1+1 #
- Initial version only provides a very simple api which allow to init the javascript engine and evaluate javascript expressions and get the result as String.