flutter_jailbreak_detection 1.10.0 flutter_jailbreak_detection: ^1.10.0 copied to clipboard
Flutter jailbreak and root detection plugin. This plugin wraps Rootbeer for use on Android and DTTJailbreakDetection for use on iOS.
1.8.0 #
Upgrade android embedding Thanks https://github.com/xPutnikx for the PR.
Fixed header issue Thanks https://github.com/cr0manty for the PR.
1.7.0 #
- Upgrade rootbeer to 0.0.10 Thanks https://github.com/patuoynageek for the PR.
1.6.0 #
- Upgrade rootbeer to 0.0.9
1.5.0 #
Upgrade to kotlin 1.3.30. Thanks https://github.com/kmoorejr9 for the PR. Support for null safety. Thanks https://github.com/tvh for the PR. Rootbeer dependency fix. Thanks https://github.com/benoitskipr for the PR.
1.4.0 #
- Change some formatting, move package to appmire publisher.
1.3.0 #
- Update rootbeer dependency url. Thanks https://github.com/sckoh for the PR.
1.2.0 #
- Upgrade rootbeer plugin. Thanks https://github.com/zaralockheart for the PR.
1.1.0 #
- Prevent plugin initialization when Activity is not available
1.0.0 #
- Upgrade gradle plugin and support for AndroidX