flutter_ion 0.1.2 copy "flutter_ion: ^0.1.2" to clipboard
flutter_ion: ^0.1.2 copied to clipboard


Ion SDK for flutter.

Flutter sdk for ion #

Flutter sdk for the Ion backend.

Installation #

Edit pubspec.yaml in your flutter projects.


    flutter_ion: ^0.1.1

Usage #

import 'package:flutter_ion/flutter_ion.dart';

var url = 'https://$host:8443/ws';
Client client = Client(url);

// Setup handlers
client.on('peer-join', (rid, id, info) async {});

client.on('peer-leave', (rid, id) async {});
client.on('transport-open', () {}));

client.on('transport-closed', () {});

client.on('stream-add', (rid, mid, info, tracks) async {
      // handle stream-add

client.on('stream-remove', (rid, mid) async {
      // handle stream-remove
client.on('broadcast', (rid, uid, info) async {
      // handle broadcast

// Connect to ion biz node.
await client.connect();

// Join a room
await _client.join(rid, {'name': 'Bob'});

// Leave current room
await client.leave();

// Publish local stream
var resolution = 'vga';
var bandwidth =  '512';
var codec = 'vp8';
var localStream = await client.publish(true, true, false, codec, bandwidth, resolution);

// Subscribe to a remote stream
var bandwidth = '512';
var remoteStream = await client.subscribe(rid, mid, tracks, bandwidth);

// Broadcast a payload to the room
client.broadcast(rid, payload);

// Close client connection
await client.close();