flutter_input 0.2.0 copy "flutter_input: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
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Input fields with form for Flutter

Flutter Input Fields standalone or within a Form → flutter_input #

This package provides an InputForm and a set of input fields. Each input field can be used standalone or as part of a form.

This package is an early version of the architectural ideas described below. It still has issues especially concerning decoration. Developers are highly welcomed :-)

The main goal of this package is to provide ideas and input for data management with Flutter. My hope is that it becomes maintained by the Flutter team or be integrated with other similar packages.

Please see and vote issue https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/46073 on GitHub.

Input fields #

Currently the following input fields are supported:

  • InputCheckbox - Checkbox for data type bool
  • InputDate - Calendar selection for data type DateTime
  • InputDateTime - Sliders for data type DateTime can be customized for date only, time only or both
  • InputDropDown<T> - Dropdown button for data type T
  • InputFavorite - A favorite button with selectable icon for data type bool
  • InputRadio<T> - Radio button to select one value of type T
  • InputRating - Rating widget with selectable icons and a range selector for data type int
  • InputSlider - Slider for data type double between a minimum and maximum value
  • InputSpinner - Spinner with buttons for data type double to decrease or increase a value between a minimum and maximum
  • InputSwitch - Switch for data type bool
  • InputText - Text input for data type String

Architecture #

This package is based on the following design criteria:

  1. Provide an easy to understand package for data input which is easy to use, to maintain and to extend
  2. Have a form to manage one data object (a Map) for all fields providing a central method to validate() and save().
  3. Fields access this map by means of a path string to get an initial value and to save back the fields value.
  4. Fields can be used stand alone, even within a form. To achieve this, path must be null and onChanged must not.
  5. Widget attributes with same functionality should have same names (unlike 'initialValue' and 'value' or 'onChanged' and 'onValueChanged')
  6. All fields have a common set of attributes
  7. Have as much layout design to the form as possible (can still be overwritten by each field-widget)
  8. Each input field should auto-assign itself to the form (requires attribute path).
  9. Each input widget should accept a list of reusable validators like 'NotNull', 'Min', 'Max', 'Future', 'Past', ...
  10. Input fields do not have standard parameters for data type conversion. If this is required in some case, just use your converter on parameters initialValue and onSave.
  11. All input fields should have an ".adaptive" constructor allowing them to be used by Android and iOS. (Not implemented yet)

Usage #

For a complete example see example/main.dart.

All field constructors have the following shared parameters. All parameters are named and optional.

  • Key key
  • bool autovalidate = false //
  • InputDecoration decoration - e.g. for a label
  • bool enabled - to protect the field against changes. Overrides setting through the Form
  • T initialValue - to set the fields initial value. Overrides using the value from the forms map.
  • ValueSetter
  • ValueSetter
  • String path - to access the form map
  • List

Development #

To create a new input field for data type T just copy one of the existing classes and modify it accordingly. Replace T with the type of the value of your new input field.

  1. Create a new stateful widget for type T with class MyNewInputWidget extends InputField<T> {
  2. class MyNewInputState extends InputFieldState<T> { where T is replaced by the type of the value of the field.
  3. Write method build( BuildContext context) in the state class. It must end with return super.buildInputField( context, ... where ... is the code to display your input field widget.
pub points


unverified uploader

Input fields with form for Flutter

Repository (GitHub)
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BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


flutter, intl, pedantic


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