flutter_image_map 1.0.1 flutter_image_map: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Image map, create areas with customizable colors on an image and response to clicking/touching. Just like what we have in html.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_image_map/flutter_image_map.dart';
void main() => runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<StatefulWidget> createState() {
return ImageMapExample();
class ImageMapExample extends State<MyApp> {
bool _tapped = false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final htmlDataRegions = ImageMapRegion.fromHtml(
<!-- Image Map Generated by http://www.image-map.net/ -->
<img src="Houtcomposiet_vlonder_met_bijbehorende_artikelen.jpg" usemap="#image-map">
<map name="image-map">
<area target="" alt="Google" title="Google" href="https://www.google.com" coords="156,217,181,245" shape="rect">
<area target="" alt="Apple" title="Apple" href="https://www.apple.com" coords="238,282,263,268,288,283,292,315,273,332,240,328,228,307" shape="poly">
<area target="" alt="Facebook & Instagram" title="Facebook & Instagram" href="https://www.meta.com" coords="381,247,22" shape="circle">
return MaterialApp(
home: Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("flutter_image_map Example")),
body: ImageMap(
image: Image.asset('assets/worldmap.png'),
onTap: (region) {
// ignore: avoid_print
print('Pressed: ${region.title} / ${region.link}');
setState(() {
_tapped = !_tapped;
regions: [
points: [
const Offset(178, 152),
const Offset(148, 179),
const Offset(125, 173),
const Offset(129, 191),
const Offset(87, 191),
const Offset(130, 226),
const Offset(121, 270),
const Offset(182, 285),
const Offset(185, 272),
const Offset(219, 276),
const Offset(239, 260),
const Offset(218, 225),
const Offset(245, 186),
color: _tapped
? const Color.fromRGBO(50, 200, 50, 0.5)
: const Color.fromRGBO(50, 50, 200, 0.5),
title: 'test1',
rect: const Rect.fromLTWH(230, 295, 50, 50),
color: _tapped
? const Color.fromRGBO(50, 200, 50, 0.5)
: const Color.fromRGBO(50, 50, 200, 0.5),
title: 'test2',
center: const Offset(460, 395),
radius: 20,
color: _tapped
? const Color.fromRGBO(50, 200, 50, 0.5)
: const Color.fromRGBO(50, 50, 200, 0.5),
title: 'test3',