flutter_image_editor 2.1.0 flutter_image_editor: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
A plugin for flutter made to edit images. Change the brightness, contrast and rotate image.
0.0.1 #
First version only supports edit the brightness and contrast of images for android, you just have to call PictureEditor.editImage passing the image as Uint8List. Future we will release new funcionalities like a method that receive a file and display a widget with the filters to you and implementation for IOS.
0.0.2 #
Method to rotate the image and some changes in the files names and example.
0.0.3 #
Correcting errors.
0.0.4 #
Release change brightness, contrast and rotate image for IOS.
##1.0.1 Correcting pod error for IOS builds.
#1.1.1 Adjusting the brightness for IOS.
#1.1.2 Changing the description.
#1.2.0 Rotate image for IOS.
#2.0.0 Upgrade flutter sdk
#2.1.0 Upgrade to null safety