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ICON SDK for Flutter. ICON supports SDK for 3rd party or user services development. You can integrate ICON SDK for your project and utilize ICON’s functionality.

ICON SDK for Flutter #

ICON supports SDK for 3rd party or user services development. You can integrate ICON SDK for your project and utilize ICON’s functionality.

This document is focused on how to use the SDK properly. For the detailed API specification, see the API reference documentation.

Version #


Prerequisite #

This Flutter SDK works on the following platforms:

  • Dart: >=2.12.0 <3.0.0
  • Flutter: >=2.4.0

Installation #

From specific git

    git: https://git.baikal.io/mobile/boilerplate/flutter_icon_network

Or pub.dev

 flutter_icon_network: ^1.0.0

Quick Start #

We provide different types of code examples to help you to start quickly from scratch. This is an example project of ICON SDK Flutter. In this project, the examples are implemented as follows.

Example Description
WalletExample An example of creating and loading a wallet.
IcxTransactionExample An example of transferring ICX and confirming the result.
DeployTokenExample An example of deploying token.
TokenTransactionExample An example of transferring IRC token and confirming the result.
SyncBlockExample An example of checking block confirmation and printing the ICX and token transfer information.

FlutterIconNetwork #

APIs are called through FlutterIconNetwork. FlutterIconNetwork can be initialized as follows.

// FlutterIconNetwork is a singleton class. Make sure you call at the first time in the main.dart file
FlutterIconNetwork.instance.init(host: "https://bicon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3", isTestNet: true);

Wallet #

This example shows how to create a new wallet or load wallet with a private key.

Create a wallet

Create new EOA by calling the function below. After creation, the address and private key can be looked up.

final wallet = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.createWallet;
print("address": "${wallet['address']}");
print("privateKey": "${wallet['private_key']}");

// Output

Load a wallet

You can call existing EOA by calling getWalletByPrivateKey function.

After creation, address and private key can be looked up.

final wallet = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.getWalletByPrivateKey(/*YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY*/);// Load wallet with privateKey
print("address": "${wallet['address']}"); // Address lookup
print("privateKey": "${wallet['private_key']}");// PrivateKey lookup

ICX Transfer #

This example shows how to transfer ICX and check the result.

ICX transfer transaction

In this example, send 1 ICX to an address and return the transaction hash

final txHash = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.sendIcx(
                        yourPrivateKey: /*YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY*/,
                        destinationAddress: /*RECEIVE_ADDRESS*/,
                        value: 1)
print("txHash $txHash");

// Output
txHash: 0x64bd29d0cf2a51a6ea0e0c01dab823295210fe3bd1bc4a831217fdb0789bfa3f

Check the transaction result after sending ICX, by running:

final tResult = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getTransactionResult(
print("tResult $tResult");

// Output
tResult: {
   block_hash: 0x2e13ecd1c65656ce6985edee1ee644862518894bf4ed5adefda11ff644f2f314,
   block_height: 20346610,
   cumulative_step_used: 173580, 
   to: cx24781bef9b47a52f63aa6cb8b61268753c141b1f, 
   txHash: 0x64bd29d0cf2a51a6ea0e0c01dab823295210fe3bd1bc4a831217fdb0789bfa3f, 
   score_address: null, 
   step_used: 173580, 
   status: 1, 
   step_price: 12500000000, 
   tx_index: 1

Check the ICX balance

In this example, you can check the ICX balance by looking up the transaction before and after the transaction.

ICX balance can be confirmed by calling getIcxBalance function from FlutterIconNetwork

final balance = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.getIcxBalance(privateKey: /*YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY*/);
print("balance: $balance")

// Output

Token Deploy and Transfer #

This example shows how to deploy a token and check the result. After that, shows how to send tokens and check the balance.

Token deploy transaction

You need a SCORE project to deploy token. Only available in Android, on iOS the SDK not support yet

In this example, To deploy a SCORE by choose the zip file contain the source code the sampleToken.zip file contain in source code, please download it to your phone.

Prepare basic information of the token you want to deploy and make a parameter object.

final transactionResult = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.deployScore(
                            privateKey: /*YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY*/, initIcxSupply: "10");

Token transfer

To send token to an address through SCORE

final response = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.sendToken(
        yourPrivateKey: /*PRIVATE_KEY*/,
        toAddress: /*RECEIVE_ADDRESS*/,
        value: /*NUMBER_OF_TOKEN*/,
        scoreAddress: /*SCORE_ADDRESS*/);

Check the transaction result after sending ICX, by running:

final tResult = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getTransactionResult(
print("tResult $tResult");

// Output
tResult: {
   block_hash: 0x2e13ecd1c65656ce6985edee1ee644862518894bf4ed5adefda11ff644f2f314,
   block_height: 20346610,
   cumulative_step_used: 173580, 
   to: cx24781bef9b47a52f63aa6cb8b61268753c141b1f, 
   txHash: 0x64bd29d0cf2a51a6ea0e0c01dab823295210fe3bd1bc4a831217fdb0789bfa3f, 
   score_address: null, 
   step_used: 173580, 
   status: 1, 
   step_price: 12500000000, 
   tx_index: 1

Check token balance

To check the token balance in SCORE

final balance = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance.getTokenBalance(
                                    privateKey: /*PRIVATE_KEY*/,
                                    scoreAddress:  /*SCORE_ADDRESS*/);

Sync Block #

This example shows how to read block information and print the transaction result for every block creation.

Read block information

In this example, getLastBlock is called periodically in order to check the new blocks,

by updating the transaction information for every block creation.

// Check the recent blocks
final lastBlock = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getLastBlock();
print("block height: ${lastBlock['height']}")

// Output
block height: 0x1384b04

Read block information by block height

In this example, getBlockByHeight is called periodically in order to check the block information,

// Check the block by height
final blockByHeight =
        await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getBlockByHeight("20519341");
print("block height: ${lastBlock['height']}")

// Output
block height: 20519341

Read block information by block hash

In this example, getBlockByHash is called periodically in order to check the block information,

// Check the block by hash
final blockByHash = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getBlockByHash(
print("block height: ${lastBlock['height']}")

// Output
block height: 20519341

If a new block has been created, get the transaction list.

final transactionList = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getConfirmedTransactionIdList();
print("lenght: ${transactionList.lenght}")
print("Transaction at item 0: ${transactionList[0]}")

// Output
lenght: 1
Transaction at item 0: 0x74bb8bc3a3f1e45fda18cac1746941e9f9f909e0783bd851f624a5a9b56a90d1

Check the token name & symbol

You can check the token SCORE by calling the checkScoreTokenName and checkScoreTokenSymbol functions.

final name = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.checkScoreTokenName("cx9e7f89f7f7fa8bd5d56e67282328a3ca87a082b1");
final symbol = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.checkTokenSymbol("cx9e7f89f7f7fa8bd5d56e67282328a3ca87a082b1");
print("tokenName $name");
print("tokenSymbol symbol");

// Output
tokenName: StandardToken
tokenSymbol: ST

Queries #

Check the total supply, by running:

final totalSupply =
        await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!.getTotalSupply();


// Output
{"totalSupply": "2375878279523789595238588932523"}

Check the SCORE APIs, by running:

final scoreAPIs = await FlutterIconNetwork.instance!


// Output
    {name: Transfer, read_only: null,type: eventlog}, 
    {name: balanceOf, read_only: 0x1, type: function}, 
    {name: decimals, read_only: 0x1, type: function}, 
    {name: name, read_only: 0x1, type: function}, 
    {name: symbol, read_only: 0x1, type: function}, 
    {name: totalSupply, read_only: 0x1, type: function}

References #

Licenses #

This project follows the Apache 2.0 License. Please refer to LICENSE for details.



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ICON SDK for Flutter. ICON supports SDK for 3rd party or user services development. You can integrate ICON SDK for your project and utilize ICON’s functionality.



API reference


MIT (license)


file_picker, flutter


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