flutter_http_logger 0.0.6 copy "flutter_http_logger: ^0.0.6" to clipboard
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A Flutter package to log HTTP requests and responses, making it easier to debug and monitor network traffic in real-time.

flutter_http_logger #

flutter_http_logger is a simple Flutter package that enables logging of HTTP requests and responses. This package allows developers to view logs in a web browser using a provided URL. It is designed to create a local server from real devices (not emulators) to facilitate HTTP log viewing.

Features #

  • Log HTTP requests and responses in real-time.
  • View logs on a web browser using a provided URL.
  • Supports different HTTP methods: GET, POST, and POST_FILE.
  • Simple initialization and usage.

Getting Started #

To start using flutter_http_logger, add it to your pubspec.yaml file:

  flutter_http_logger: 0.0.6

Then, import the package:

import 'package:flutter_http_logger/flutter_http_logger.dart';

Usage #

Initializing the Logger #

To initialize the logger and start the local server, use the HttpLog.startServer(context) function in your app:


Sending Logs #

Whenever you make an HTTP request, log the request and response details using the HttpLog.sendLog() function. Here are examples for different HTTP methods:

Logging a POST Request

  method: "POST",
  url: baseUrl + api,
  header: _header,
  request: dataInJson,
  statusCode: response.statusCode,
  response: response.body,
  duration: endTime.difference(startTime).inMilliseconds,

Logging a GET Request

  method: "GET",
  url: baseUrl + api,
  header: _header,
  statusCode: response.statusCode,
  response: response.body,
  duration: endTime.difference(startTime).inMilliseconds,

Logging a POST_FILE Request

  method: "POST_FILE",
  url: baseUrl + api,
  header: _header,
  request: data,
  statusCode: response.statusCode,
  response: response.body,
  duration: endTime.difference(startTime).inMilliseconds,

Viewing Logs #

After starting the server, visit the provided URL (displayed in the logs or your app console) in a web browser to view real-time logs of your HTTP requests and responses.

Example #

Here is a simple example of how to integrate flutter_http_logger with an HTTP client in a Flutter app:

import 'package:flutter_http_logger/flutter_http_logger.dart';

void main() {
  // Initialize the HTTP Logger

  // Example HTTP POST request
  var response = await http.post(
    Uri.parse(baseUrl + api),
    headers: _header,
    body: dataInJson,


Future<void> httpPost() async {

  // Capture start time
    final startTime = DateTime.now();
final response = await http.post(Uri.parse( baseUrl + api),
    header: _header,
    body: dataInJson);

     // Capture end time
    final endTime = DateTime.now();

    // Log the request and response
    method: "POST",
    url: baseUrl + api,
    header: _header,
    request: dataInJson,
    statusCode: response.statusCode,
     duration: endTime.difference(startTime).inMilliseconds,
    response: response.body,

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! If you have any issues or feature requests, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License.



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A Flutter package to log HTTP requests and responses, making it easier to debug and monitor network traffic in real-time.

Repository (GitHub)
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MIT (license)




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